#2: Michael

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"You're cheating!"
"No I'm not, I'm just a pro at this game!"
Calum pouted at his best friend as they played Call of Duty. Calum was losing pretty badly, (probably because Michael had completed the game and was obviously pretty good at it, whereas Calum didn't own it) and desperately needed to get help. Michael saw the pout and laughed, turning back to his game.
"What, Cal?"
"Help me." Calum saw Michael was reluctant to help. "Please?"
"Why? That's not fair!"
"You know how to fucking play, don't you?"
"Well then, fucking play!"
Calum paused the game quickly as a thought came to his mind. "Mike, what was the geography homework for tomorrow?"
Michael rolled his eyes. "You think I know?"

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Michael was the badass bad boy of the school. He took shit from no one, and was hated by all teachers. Anyone who dared to cross him, well, they wouldn't want to do that again, and they got a black eye for a souvenir. Michael always sat at the back for every class, and never really payed attention to the lesson, except for music. He was exceptional at it, and good thing too, because it was the only career path he wanted to go down. He liked annoying the teachers, in fact, that was the only reason he went to school, except for Calum, music, and the hot kid that sat in front of him in maths, (seriously, that boy was so good looking it's got to be illegal!) That's the reason he started to dye his hair. He started by dying it blonde, just to see if he could do it properly, or if it would look weird. He accidentally left the dye in for a bit too long, so it went a kind of dark blonde. But it still looked cool, so it was ok. He went into school the next day, and Calum told him it looked good. He was pretty happy with that.
So, the next day, Michael strolled into school, without a care in the world, and he'd dyed his fringe a light green. Calum looked at his best friend in complete wonder. Nobody dared to dye their hair any unnatural colours. The Kiwi boy knew Michael had stepped out of line a bit too much recently, and Calum hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. The younger boy smiled at his best mate, who was walking towards him, but there was a fear in his eyes.
Michael nearly got four detentions that day (that was the record for most detentions avoided in one day). He got away with it because it wasn't actually a school rule because at least half of the teachers dyed their hair every week. And that started the constant colour changing, which completely messed up Luke's emotions. That was Michael's thing, and he'd changed more hair colours than he could count.

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"Blue, this time?" Calum said wearily, inspecting the newly dyed locks.
"Yep!" Michael combed his fingers through his baby blue hair. "Well, it's my favourite colour, so I thought, why not?"
Calum sighed. "I just think you'll get in trouble."
"Cal, I'll be fine, they would have got me by now if they were going to."
"I know."
"Stop worrying."
They concentrated on Call of Duty again.
"Hey Mike? I saw you were staring at Niall again today." Calum smirked mischievously.
Michael's eyes widened. "His name is Niall? Niall... It suits him."
"Yeah... You have talked to him, right?"
Michael blushed red.
Calum burst out laughing, rolling on the floor with mirth. "Oh my God, this is so fucking funny!"
Michael flipped him off. "Fuck you."
"No thanks."
"Not bloody funny." Michael rolled his eyes at the younger boy, who was still smiling.

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Calum was totally ok with Michael liking boys, because Michael came out to him as bisexual a couple of years back, and it never once bothered Calum. That was about the time that Michael had been interested in Niall, but it had begun to tail off a bit because an image of a boy starting appearing in his dreams. He tried to shake it off, but this boy just wouldn't leave. The boy had baby blue eyes, blonde hair styled into a kind of half quiff, half fringe, and had the longest legs Michael had ever seen. He also had pale skin, but it looked a little tanned from being in the sun, and Michael couldn't deny that he thought that the boy was attractive, with his awkward smile and height, but he didn't want a partner. He wanted to prove everyone wrong, because that's the kind of guy he was. If someone said he couldn't do something, he would do it. His mum said he couldn't walk through fire, and he tried to do it, but his mum started to scream the place down as her son attempted to walk into the fire place when it was lit, and Michael's dad had to grab the back of his shirt and pull him away before he hurt himself.

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