#3: Thoughts

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Luke was sitting, cross-legged, on his bed, completing his homework set for today- it was maths, not Luke's worst subject, but definitely not his favourite. Plus quadratic equations were the worst thing ever, and who would devote their life to writing a maths textbook anyway? It seemed such dull work. Perhaps they just really liked maths. Luke checked the credits at the front of the book, which held the names of about five writers. J. Herald, M. Raggedy, S. Firdon, E. Gerrin, and F. Wildon. He looked over the names, wondering who they were, what kind of life they had, before forcing himself to open the book again and focus on the questions. He'd already procrastinated far too much, playing FIFA, and he knew he had to get the work done, otherwise there would be trouble tomorrow. Unfortunately for him, his mum taught at his school, and anything he did wrong, went straight back to her. Luke sighed as he tried to concentrate on the tedious equations, but soon had to reach for a calculator, distracting him once again.

He'd just finished writing up a sum neatly, and began copying down the next sum when a voice at the back of his head said, "shit."
Luke, confused, looked around briefly for the voice, but he was alone in his bedroom, and the window was closed, so it couldn't be from outside. He checked over his work, frantically looking for a place he went wrong, but he found nothing. He must have thought it. But why? He had no reason to!

Luke assumed that it must be someone from outside, who had shouted really loud, or something. He shook his head, ignoring his ridiculous thoughts. Maybe he'd imagined it.
"Shit." There it came again. "He's seen me. I'm so fucked!"
He didn't imagine that, definitely, it came from inside his head. And he thought, 'no I'm not.' There was no danger in his room.
"What the fuck? Yes I am!" The reply shot back.
'Bro, chill. Maths is not that scary.'
"Whoa, when did my subconscious get so sassy?"
"Wait... What?" (A/N that was them both together btw.)
"Maths? When did maths come into this?"
'Subconscious? I'm a person!'
"Ok, who are you and why are you talking in my head?"
'Well, I could ask the same for you!'
"Oh shit!"
'What?' Luke was getting a bit worried, this guy seemed like he needed help. And a lot of it.

<3 <3 <3

On the other side of town, Michael was out, walking around dark, deserted alleys, to try and clear his head. It was only around half five, but it was in the middle of winter, meaning that the sun set a little earlier. He should be going back for dinner right now, but that damn boy would not leave him! The image haunted him everywhere, 24/7. After Calum had left that day, Michael thought about the blue eyed boy all evening. He understood how it was him, how the clues fitted together, but he had never seen him in his life. It was so much better when he didn't really know who his mystery soulmate was, he could just size up anyone he liked. Now, it was very much different. What if this guy lived on the other side of the world? What would he do then?

He continued walking, head down, about to turn a corner when he noticed a bunch of lads smoking pot down a dead end of the alley. He rapidly backtracked and hid, crouched down in the dark where he felt a little safer. Sure, not many people dared to get on the wrong side of Michael Clifford, but these guys were probably the only exception. They were all built like trucks- muscles everywhere and always reeked of alcohol and drugs. Michael may be the bad boy of the school, but he would never touch drugs or alcohol if his life depended on it. The lads- however intimidating they seemed- never failed to amuse Michael, as they were actually pretty stupid. They were probably heading for a career as a bouncer outside a nightclub, or something of the kind. Tattoos rippled up their bodies, and Michael thought how maybe one day he should suggest them getting 'Love' and 'Hate' inked across their knuckles.

Michael began to giggle quietly at his last thought, when one of the lads- by the name of Joel, the meanest and most definitely the strongest- said, "hang on boys, I think I hear someone. I'll be back."
Michael looked around to see nobody else and just thought 'shit'.
He had by now realised that Joel had heard him, and took a quick peek around the corner to see the lad's gaze fixed on him. Joel started to stalk towards him, and Michael shot back, curling up as small as possible. 'Shit... He's seen me, I'm so fucked!'
He frantically tried to think, but his subconsciousness replied with, "no I'm not."
Surprised and definitely not amused, he immediately thought, 'what the fuck? Yes I am!'
"Bro, chill. Maths is not that scary."
'Whoa, when did my subconscious get so sassy?'
"Wait... What?"
'Maths? When did maths come into this?'
"Subconscious? I'm a person!"
'Ok, who are you and why are you talking in my head?'
"Well, I could ask the same for you!"
Pause. Michael turned around, too lost in his conversation, and saw Joel standing just above him, a mean smirk twisting his lips into an unattractive snarl.
'Oh shit!'
"What?" The person sounded worried but that was the least of Michael's troubles, so he blocked out the sound.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Clifford," Joel drawled, "finished messing around and finally come to join us?"
"I'd never stoop that low," Michael sneered back, knowing he was playing with fire by the way Joel's face set into an ugly scowl, "and anyway, getting drunk and high all the time is not a pastime I want to participate in."
Michael felt his head hit the wall. Hard. "Listen, you shit," Joel threatened, "I could end you right here if I wanted to, so stop being a smartass," he hit Michael across the face, making blood drip into his mouth and he felt a cut in his jaw from the ring Joel was wearing on his middle finger, "or it will end very badly for you and your Asian boyfriend."
Although Michael was pretty weak from the punch, a new strength pumped through his veins as he heard the insult directed towards his best friend. Fire danced in his eyes as he yelled, "he's not Asian, you uncultured twat, and he's not my boyfriend. He's just my best friend, okay?"
"Well, whatever he is, he'll be in deep shit if you don't sort yourself out!" Joel said darkly.

Michael could anticipate a full blown fight breaking out, from the way they were sizing each other up. He knew for a fact he would not come out of this fight well if he didn't run.
"No," a little voice said at the back of his mind, "don't run. You're gonna fight this dude."
'Bloody hell, you're still there?'
"'Course, I heard all your thoughts." The voice replied. "Now, put your hands up; stand sideways- but keep your body tilted towards him; and put your right foot back. Wait, you're right handed, yeah?"
"Okay, move away from the wall."
Michael followed the instructions without his consent. His limbs just seemed to move if their own accord, and soon he was facing a thunderous Joel, fists clenched tightly in the air, in a small, dimly lit alley, while night- and the temperature- descended fast. Michael could feel his heart beating quickly, his breath coming out in quick pants as he prepared to fight. As much as he doubted his own abilities, this other guy seemed to be a pro.
'I said, name?'
"Luke." Luke. It was perfect. It was exactly the name for that person stuck in his head.
"Michael..." Luke repeated thoughtfully. "Mikey..."
Michael's heart warmed at the nickname. He loved the way it sounded in Luke's deepish voice, the way the hint of Aussie twang pronounced his name carefully as if it were special.

"Oi, lover boy!" Joel jeered in front of him, knocking Michael out of his trance. "I want you to look at me as I knock you out!"
And all Michael could think was: 'oh shit- that punch will knock me out,' as he saw a fist fly towards his face, and he shut his eyes tight, willing to be saved by some miraculous God out there.
It wasn't until a few seconds later when Michael opened his eyes, he was staring straight at the floor. He glanced up to see a red faced Joel, nursing a bleeding fist and looking at Michael with pure hatred. Michael touched the side of his face, but there was no damage done. It was only then that he realised he was squatted on the floor, the word "duck!" echoing in his mind, in Luke's familiar accent. He must have acted on impulse.
Michael noticed a hefty dent in the wall beside him, and winced. That could have been him.
'What next?' Michael thought, regaining height.
"Straight hands, use the side of your palm."
'Like karate?'
He heard a chuckle, and smiled. "Yeah, I guess." Luke replied.
'And now?'
"Shout. Shout as loud as you can. Yell 'get back', and keep stepping back."
"Gets attention, I guess."

Michael let himself follow Luke's well planned instructions, fearing the stained fist that loomed in his face. He shoved Joel in the chest, and hit him three times, before grabbing his arm and jabbing his knee into Joel's leg hard. The older teenager fell to the ground in agony, allowing Michael to plant a satisfactory punch to his face and sprint away, yelling: "that was for dissing Calum!"

<3 <3 <3

"I'm okay, it's all okay."
Luke was relieved that Michael was okay. He'd only known him for such a short amount of time, but Luke honestly cared about the boy. It would physically hurt Luke if Michael wasn't okay, and that was when the blonde boy knew he'd got his soulmate, because it already pained him to see his boy in trouble.
"Thank you, Luke."
Those three words warmed his heart, pulling at his insides, and this should be illegal, because Michael should not be allowed to do this.
'Any time.'

Hello! How are you lovelies?
Thank you to the people who have voted and stuff- ❤️❤️❤️
Well, they finally met yay!!!
Hope to update soon!
Goodbye Muke shippers, stay beautiful 😍😘

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