Chapter 1

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"Daddy Daddy swing me again! Higher higher."

" ok sweetie that's enough now it's time to go to bed anyways."

"But daddy I'm not tired."

"Come on now, brush your teeth and I'll come up in a little while honey."



"Mommy! Wants happening why does that man have a gun!" *crying*

"Vanessa please go behind the couch, I love you honey."

*gun shots*

"NOOOOO Daddy Mommy no please wake up. I promise I'll be good and I promise I'll eat all my fruits and vegetables please wake up."

*memory ends*

There not one day when I don't think of my real parents. Who killed them? And why? I lay my head against the pillow and softly cry. Cry because that's the only way to let the feelings go. But I never cry in front of anyone, it shows weekness  and how pathetic you are to your enemy.

I wipe my tears off with my hands and head towards the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and see a dark brown haired girl with nothing but a tiny scar on her left cheek. In memory of my parents, that little tiny scar represented the guy who had hit me gave it too me.

I put on mascara and fix myself up and head down to the chamber room.

This is probably the only day where I actually get to do nothing but hang around.

I don't like it.

Usually I would have to train, wake up at 5 and finally get some rest at 9. It's my daily routine, only today is different.

I don't know what's going on but I'm guessing it has something to do with Adrian and his little devilish son, oooooo how much I hate him and when I get the chance I'll slash his throat and see that piney life of his fade away. And you'll hear my laugh with the biggest smile on my face.

I go into the chamber room and see that someone already been killed here.

It's a little bit warm must of been quite some time before where they decided to kill them. Apparently without me too.

Bending down and pick up my all time favorite knife, I cut the dummy and do a few more trick to it. Only to find the dummy completely destroyed and funny looking like how a dog chews up a toy.

"Alyssa! Get your ass up here in my office now", I hear from the loudspeakers, and that my lovely father, great who did I forget to kill this time.

I quickly run up the endless stairs my father has put. He saids that if anyone were to find our little hiding spot it won't take them years and I mean literally years!! I mean I've been training all my life but every time I get to the top of those stairs I can't help but feel so out of breathe and out of shape.

I run into father's office seeing him dressed up as usual in a completely black suit that would have you staring wide open mouth in surprise how black it is.

"Black as my soul," he would say.

The only part of him that stands out is on his right pocket there's a tiny red beautiful flower from our garden. Father orders someone everyday to go pick out one of the most prettiest red flower for him in wear.

Last time someone brought in a white flower and said that the red flowers weren't ready to be picked by the white flower was so much beautiful than the reds. Let's just say people have good and bad days, that day it was bad for him.

"Que cosa ahora Padre?" Translation: (What now father?)

"Niña.. I have a mission for you."

"If it one of your little missions to go spy on your little bullshit of whores and kill,whatever guys they talk to then forger it Father. I rather much drink bleach."

"You will not speak to me in that tone! Remember who took you in when you had no one pequeña. And you will obey whatever I say, even if it means eating shit then you will!"

"Ay cállate will you! You know you won't do shit. Now onto to what were discussing what is it?"

Father and I always get into arguments. He sounds like such a Douche but in reality, he's a douche x2. But he never actually means what he saids, if he did then I would have been long go out of his hairs. He cares for me as much as I do for him. But we're killers, it's how we express ourselves. Not one day will you ever hear me say, I love you, to someone, how pathetic.

Father stood up from his chair and slowly walked over to me with those eyes that tell you, fuck with me and I'll show you look. He then pursed to sit on top of his desk facing me and he face turning quite demanding.

What was it???

" I need you to kill General Eric, he's interfering with my drug trafficking. He's new there and he's getting a lot of attention and if that keeps going he's going to find out who I am and shut me down. It'll be hard but your my little princesa right? Will you do it?"

Say what?


Hey guys thanks for reading and be sure to give it a vote and comments :) next chapter coming soon

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