heroines mother was made at her bc she fucked idol or smthn wtf
and i accidentaly erote heroin oops"HEROIME GET TA FUCK BACK HWRE U LIL DHIT!!!!!!!!" she scream we d as heroines ledt the house
"no.mother u cannae control m3e:-)" says heroine
"i cant even read wha tge fuck u said dear" says her mummy
"FINE THEN" screeches heroine
"hesus fukcing chrisr" cries heroins momther
"//teenage angst noises" svreanems heroine
"wtf" say random anime girl
"no." saus iis gumi
"yeah wtf this sint even anime" said sn rin
",,,,,,,,,hi" syas idol
"oh shIT CGET THE FUCK AWAY U PEICE OF SHIT" sn rin pterodactyl screeches
"i cane here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked right now" idol cries
"MEME CONFIRMED" yells iis mayu
"yea w/e" sayd idol as he fucking heroin
"plz dont do that" says the heroin
"r u doing drugs or ur gf" asks iis mayu
"i dont actualmy knoe" admits idil "botyh"
"byr bye" sais hiroine
"screw u" says idol
"ye ur kind iof doing that" says iis mayu
"doing what" asks iis gumi
"heroine" iis matu laufghes
"oh snap"
"slma slam hit damn" say iis gymi
"too hot hot damn make a dragin wanna retire" says idil
"too hot dayum no wait ur a garbage can" screeeches sn rin
"ara ara ara warai" screeches mayu
"hoLY SHIT HAOW DID U GET HERE" screechmes iis mayu
"u left the door open" syas mayu