Lolita Boots - Chapter 1

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Ok so this is like my first story on this site atleast :) please rate and comment and give me tips so i can improve my work thank you ;)


He is not your average annoying stinky teen he is quiet the gentlemen when it comes to other people except he has a uncontrollable thirst for human blood and that is what makes him different from other people and other vampires might i add, your normal vampire is Mean, cocky, fearless, abusive, obnoxious and mostly of all annoying.

Him on the other hand has a very warm heart (for a dead person), My name is Madison and this is my story of how i fell in love with the most abusive, cocky, handsome vampire i have ever seen.


I was so angry she just got a divorce and now shes flirting with someone as old as me, my names Madison Row Cloud i was born in the great big city of New Jersey and still here rotting away slowly I'm a pretty apathetic person if you ask me but when it comes to my mother flirting with a guy younger then her pisses me off.

i was waiting by the shoe stand in the giant shopping center there was millions of people just walking by waisting there lives away, the roof of the shopping center had windows on the roof i kinda got paranoid it would break and shatter to a million pieces on top of me, but that was only paranoia.

The center was so big i hated big places i hated making eye contact with people i hated everything about other people i sometimes hated even myself for being me, the lady at the counter of the shoe store was just staring at me she probably didn't like my hair no one really dose except for other people like me (goths and emos) I'm not saying I'm a emo or a goth i just like their style, as soon as i looked back at her i could see her big smile with her lips pressed together showing the sticky gloss on her lips turned into the slightest frown.

I turned my attention to the big black glossy Lolita boots smiling right at me saying "buy me" they had black lace running from each side to the other the boots were as high as your calf on your leg, they had two little black bows on the end of the boot were the laces had ended and two straps one at the top and one were the lace had ended right next to the bow and they both had silver love hearts on them oh i adored them i walked up to them and eyed them and i noticed someone else eyeing them too, i faced to see a tall shady guy he kinda reminded me of Edward scissor hands minus the scissors and his eyes because they where covered by his messy black hair and to my amazement he was wearing a leather jacket with baggy jeans and i was wondering why the hell was this guy looking at Lolita boots when he doesn't even look goth, Lolita or emo.

I reminded myself to never judge a book by its cover so i didnt judge him i just looked at him admiring his sneaky smile he was wearing then i pushed out the courage to say "Why is someone like you looking at lolita boots?"

Just to test him, he smirked and took a step closer to me and then he brushed his messy hair away from his eyes, and i could just see how beautiful his eyes were they were like stars in the darkness lighting your way home, they were pale blue eyes with little speckles of black i fell in love with these eyes they reminded me of diamonds.

He replied slowly as if he was trying to be smart "Well.... i liked the look of them, Why is there a problem?"

I looked at him in surprise and smiled a bit and looked into his eyes and said "oh no, not at all its just the first time iv seen a guy in a girly shoe store and looking at girl Lolita boots, it just surprised me"

He started to quietly chuckle and he looked down at the shoes and back to me with those pale blue diamonds and i could see him slightly blush, i wonder why he was blushing? did he like me? or was it just to hot in here? i wonder.


I stumbled to see my mother rushing towards me with a million shopping bags waving in her hands as her blond hair swayed back and forth and my mind screamed "OH NO!"

As i looked at the guy with a sorry face there she was right next to me, i swear she has super speed or something. She had a big smile on her face revealing all her bright pink lipstick on her lips and the slightest amount of her teeth. She poked me on the face with her long red nails trying not scratch my face and said "your finally making friends my dear this is wonderful!, would you like to join us for tea this afternoon?"

I could see the look on his face and i could totally see him saying in his mind " wait we have only been talking for like 3 minutes?!"

He slowly nodded the expression on his face was very unsure but then it turned into a smile and he scratched his head and said "uhm i don't really know where you live"

My mother turned her attention off the glossy black Lolita boots that i have been moaning over for the last two minutes, to the guy and she had that same big smile as she always did it totally depressed me, she said with the cutest voice she could gather " you can catch a ride with us, our driver will take you home after, its always nice to have Madis friends over the thing is she doesn't really have any friends so you will be our welcomed guest"

I could see his smile slightly drop and his face turned red with embarrassment and he turned to me and bowed at me and said "my name is Bran and i will your guest tonight"

Had a slight smile on his face now i have no clue on what he is planning to do but i must say he has a good way of making a good impression for my mother at least what about my brother.

Thank you, tell me what you think i don't have a lot of time to right because i currently don't have much Internet time T-T so i will try my best to keep up to check ;)

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