The Unbroken Soul - Chapter 4

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Thank's for reading hope you enjoy it ;)

I finally had woken up i quickly looked around my surroundings i was in a huge room not to mention a huge bed and i was smack in the middle the walls where crimson red with gold lining it was very lets just say rich looking and there was a huge mirror on the wall, i tried to look at what i looked like at this very awkward moment in someone Else's bed and house.

My hair was a mess all the hot pink, ice blue and green streaks where stuck in my knotted ball of hair (never leave hairspray in while you sleep) and i noticed i was wearing a silk dress to bed "now this just went on a whole other level of awkward" i thought to myself i slowly got up and the feeling of the carpet through me feet felt nice it almost felt like real fur, i slowly walked out of the huge door that occupied the huge room and looked outside on the room and it was grand grander then me and all my friends houses put together the walls coated light blue with gold out lines and there were two large stair cases going down to what it looked like a guest room.

I could hear the sound of music in my ears i followed it and there was the most beautifulest voice i have ever heard it was supernatural of how perfect it sounded i kept following the sound it was like a siren it pulled me towards it until i got to a door and i peaked through it was a library and there was Bran with a 3 other guys playing the drums, guitar and bass they were in a band it was magical of how they played i just stayed peaking through the door listening "til-ll the en-ds of the ea-rt-hh"

Then came the guitar solo it was awesome truly awesome i kept listening "forsa-kke-en, i have come for yo-uu toni-gght, awa-kken look in my eyes and take my ha-nnnnd, forsak-kken fly aw-aay with me toni-ggght, awa-kkken we knew my life and you are m-iiine, give yourself up to m-eeeeeee."

Then they finished with a blow i walked through the door slowly and clapped with tears in my eyes "Oh my god, that was wonderful, awesome, Bran you didn't tell me you were in a band"

 I said with a bright smile on my face the guys in the band tried not to look at me as i was in the most embarrassing dress Bran quickly walked off the small stage that was in the library and went to me "oh thank you i hope you enjoyed it, its not finished yet but uh-mm lets get you changed"


He yelled and quickly a little women rushed in she kinda looked like a little doll "y-ess Bran sir?"

She looked worried i wonder why? "can you change this beautiful lady here into more suitable garments"

Hes said with his face with no emotion towards the worried maid lady.

"Ye-ss sir"

She took my hand and took me up to the room i was sleeping in before and she went in the huge closet that i had not noticed and it was huge and filled with huge dresses and all the type of stuff that i would wear, the maid fiddled out with a some black skinny jeans and a random anime shirt out i didn't notice what it was i quickly shoved them on and there was a knock on the door "are you done yet?"


I replied still struggling the maid was shoving the shirt on me and then she started combing my hair "big mistake" i thought "OWWWWWW"

then bang the door slammed open and Bran rushed in "WHAT ARE DOING YOU STUPID MAID!"

The maid slowly walked backwards "Hey Bran its okay she was just trying to comb my impossible to brush hair"

his face was serious "i don't care if she hurt you she should be rided of"

"Oh Bran cmon its just hair big deal i just do it myself"

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