Author's Note

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Hello darlings,

I know it has been a little while since I've updated this story - for obvious reasons. As some of you have noticed, I've been working on another (new) story; Hunter and Snow. If you're a fan of The Fox and The Hound, I feel like you'll enjoy this one as it's the sequel. 

Now, my exciting news...

I have gotten two chapters so far written for the next exciting story that will fall within the world of The Rules. I will also be re-working Clay Diamonds and Trains and Tractors to fit into this world as well. The reason I'm so excited is because I've been trying to find a way to make Trains and Tractors and this movement will be able to make that happen. 

As the series grows, I hope to make the corrections to bring The Rules to top standings and also make a few cosmetic updates. I will of course keep this copy as the "Original" or "Readers" edition. I love the comments and would hate to see them disappear. 

Stay tuned for a sneak peek or two here. Hopefully, I will be able to have its own "story" started. Be on the look out for The Headline. 

Take care everyone, and stay safe out there! Wherever you are!


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