Chapter 19

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"Come on, Lainy," Shane shouted from across the open field

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"Come on, Lainy," Shane shouted from across the open field. Since we had a bye-week this Friday, Shane had convinced us all to go play a pick up game. Heather had tagged along with Blaine. The two were sitting on top of the picnic table talking.

"Laine," Joe bellowed holding up his arms. She held up her middle finger as her attention remained on her friend. Joe huffed as he stalked over to the pair.

I raised a brow as I turned to an unphased Luke. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked to Shane.

"She won't do it."

"Sure she will," Shane grinned spinning the football in the palm of his hand. "When was the last time she turned down a game of two-hand-touch?"

"When you ran with her over your shoulder through the splash pad," Luke grumbled. A squeal drew all of our eyes over to the girls and Joe. Heather was over his shoulder as Blaine was being dragged behind him.

"We've got two volunteers," he cheered as he dropped Heather to her feet. She huffed and adjusted her ponytail of curls.

"We didn't volunteer."

"You did now." Shane wrapped his arm around her shoulders. In an instant she melted into a puddle under his touch. Blaine shook her head as she took her place beside me. I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"How is having Heather on a team fair," Luke asked flatly.

"No one asked you, Luke," Heather tilted her head back in defiance.

"Fine, but I'm not going to be on her team."

"She can be on my team." Shane chimed. Heather's flirtatious smile went unnoticed as Shane stepped back and tossed the ball to me. Blaine leaned toward the pass and snatched the ball from my waiting hand. She placed the ball between her knees and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. The dark hair waved as she tightened the rubber band around it. Tucking the ball under her arm, she took a dominant stance and looked to each of us.

"Who are the captains?"

"I think it's fair to say you and I should pick teams," Shane beamed. He opened his hands, calling for the ball. She lobbed it to him with her own grin in place.

"I want Joe," she stated crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wow," I teased, bumping her with my elbow. She gave me a mocking grin.

"Who said you got to pick first," Shane replied. Her eyes darted to him.

"I figured ladies first," she shrugged, "But technically you picked Heather, so it's my turn."

"Fine," Shane narrowed his eyes at her. "Then I'm taking lover boy."

"That leaves me Lucas."

Standing a foot apart, they played three rounds of rock, paper, scissors to determine who got first possession of the ball. Shane grumbled as he gave the ball back to her. She stuck out her tongue as she walked backwards toward her brother and Joe. Catching my eyes, she blew me a kiss then bit her lip before turning around.

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