Chapter 12

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Blaine had officially signed my warrant

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Blaine had officially signed my warrant. Luckily, Shane was leaving it open to dead or alive. I'm pretty sure that once he tells Lucas they'll drop the or alive portion. What could she have been thinking telling Shane about us. Joe would have just given me a hard time, dropping hints without being blunt. Shane though, he was Lucas' best friend. He would rather die than take this kind of secret to the grave.

I had done as I told Lucas I would. I stopped by the house to drop off Blaine's bag and see how she was. What I hadn't expected was for Shane's Jeep to still be parked in the driveway. I pulled mine to the side of the street and parked in front of the blue house. I grabbed her bag and walked up to the door.

The seconds passed and a tightness overwhelmed my chest. A surprised breath escaped me as the beauty stood on the other side of the door. I lifted the bag a little.

"Forget something?" She reached out and took the bag from my hand without a word. "Lainy?"


"Everything okay?" The feeling of my forehead wrinkling earned me a gentle hand on my cheek.

"All good," she forced a smile as she leaned forward and kissed me cheek. When she pulled back, a lump grew in my throat. Shane stood with crossed arms a few feet behind her. Blaine's eye shifted to him then back to me. "It's okay. Shane is sworn to secrecy, right?"

She dragged out the last word waiting for his response. The muscles in his arms flexed as he struggled to confirm what she said. With a single nod, he opened his arms to her. She fell into them with a genuine smile.

"We should go see how Noah is," Shane's icy eyes were hard to avoid as he glared at me from over Blaine. When she let him go, he stepped onto the porch beside me. His hand grabbed the back of my neck with the right amount of force to make it clear I better follow him.

The Jeep hadn't even passed the first stop sign in the Lester's neighborhood before Shane was laying in to me. His harsh words and short tone meant I wasn't to talk yet. By the time he appeared to get it out of his system, the Jeep was rolling into the hospital's parking lot.

"I told you," he muttered, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. "I told you that morning to back off."

"Your exact words were to shut it down."

"Then why the hell did she just tell me you didn't?" He parked the Jeep and turned off the engine. We got out and started walking to the entrance.

"I tried," I admitted. "Then we were talking at the field party. Things got a little blurred."

"Do you realize what you're telling me right now," the doors whooshed open as we approached them. Shane lowered his voice, "You're dating Lucas' sister. You have to tell him."

"Weren't you the one telling me he'd personally kill me?"

"If you tell him before this gets out he might not." We rounded the corner to find everyone except Lucas. Joe nodded to us then returned to scrolling through his phone. "This will get out, Finn. I can guarantee that much."

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