Chapter 45

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Our potential opponent for the next round of playoffs hadn't been determined yet

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Our potential opponent for the next round of playoffs hadn't been determined yet. Which gave us all the opportunity to unwind and enjoy a peaceful night. At least that had been my plan. Staying in and working on some homework. With midterms coming up, I was in desperate need of some studying. Finn volunteered to help me, but got dragged into some game the others were playing.

Heather would have been a decent back up study buddy. The problem was that she had been suckered in to keeping Joseph company when he wasn't playing. I had finally ventured from my room for something to drink and found Finn entering the kitchen from the dining room.

"So much for helping me," I teased. He reached around me to grab a beer from the fridge, pressing his body against mine.

"Sorry, Laine." His voice was low as he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip to hide the shiver he caused. Shutting the fridge, I spun around to face him.

"It's fine. I have been hogging you."

"Why don't you come hang out for a little bit?"

"Because we are going out later and I really want to get some studying in."

"We can skip the field party," he offered with a shrug.

"I haven't been to a party in weeks. I want to go."

"Then come cheer me on until we leave. I'll crash here tonight and we can study all day tomorrow."

"Is that a promise?" He held up a pinky and I could fight off the grin. I hooked my little finger around his, sealing the deal. Taking it a step further, Finn's lips crashed into mine. His fingers tangled in my hair as he cupped the back of my head, deepening the kiss.

"What is with you two and kitchens?"

"Go away," Finn growled, pulling away just enough to spit out the demand.

"You do realize that people eat in these rooms, right? So unsanitary," Joseph teased before stealing the unopened bottle of beer from his friend. He gave me a wink, gave Finn a once over then spoke loud enough for everyone in the other room to hear. "Do you think it's a good idea to have your hands there while Luke's right around the corner?"

"Whose hands are where," my brother's voice boomed while the others laughed. Gripping tightly to Finn's shirt, I kept him in place while Joseph backed away to the living room. The goofy grin on his face only egged on the boy I was determined to keep from going after him.

"He's baiting you," I whispered before kissing his jaw. "All you're going to do is give him more ammo."

"I know," he grumbled, his eyes still fixed on the doorway. I'm not sure if he was focusing on where Joseph had been standing or waiting for my brother to make his grand entrance.

"So, who's winning this mini tourney of yours?"

"Joe and Heather."

"Both of them?" He shrugged.

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