Chapter 25

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I watched as Finn polished off his seventh beer

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I watched as Finn polished off his seventh beer. I was perched on his lap as we sat on the tailgate of Lucas' truck. Joseph was sitting beside us with Heather standing between his legs. His arms were wrapped around her as her back rested against his chest. If I wasn't so concerned with Finn, I would have been struggling to understand how they happened.

"Let's dance," I whispered to Finn as he nodded to Shane for another can. Shane's brow was knitted together as he studied his friend. Shane was never one to withhold a drink from anyone. That gesture alone added to my nerves. Finn shook his head at my request. "Then how about a walk?"

"I'm fine right here," he finally spoke. Since he had shown up, it had been one word answers. Most were a single request; beer. Shane happily gave him the first few. By the fifth one, he grew more hesitant. Even in the open field, filled with laughter and chatter, I could feel the tension growing around the truck.

"No more beer till we go for a walk," I negotiated. It was a weak attempt as I couldn't very well cut him off. He could over power me to take one, or pick a fight. Either would result in Lucas' going into big brother mode.

When Finn shook his head, I felt my body slump in his hold. The last time he had drank this much was after I told him about Jasper. Normally, he was the one keeping a level head so he could drive people home. I pushed his hand from my waist and was surprised by the disappoint clouding his glazed eyes. I stuck out my hand.

"I said I'm not going for a stupid walk."

"I don't want to anymore. I want to go home, so give me your keys."

"I'm not ready to leave."

"That's fine," I grumbled, trying not to make a scene. "Shane can take you home when you're ready."

"It's my car," he scoffed, "I can drive myself home."

"You're not driving anywhere, man," Shane stated flatly. I flinched at the sight of Finn stiffening.

"Funny," a wicked smile joined the darkening of his eyes, "You don't look like my dad."

"Shut up and give her your keys, Finn," Joseph grumbled. Heather was trying not to stare at us as Joseph straightened behind her. Finn glared at him as he pushed off the tailgate. He stumbled to the side as his feet met the ground. He swatted away my hand as I reached out to stabilize him. I took a step back with my hands raised and found Shane standing behind me.

"Go get in my Jeep, Lainey," Shane ordered. I was ready to protest when I caught sight of his glare on Finn. Heather's hand grazed mine as I blindly retreated to Shane's Jeep. I could hear their voices growing louder with each step I took. Every muscle in me wanted to turn around and intervene. Sliding into the passenger seat, my body slumped forward and my head rested in my hands.

A set of keys landed on my lap and I looked up to see Shane. He nodded to the driver's seat. I climbed over the center council. I followed his gaze to Finn with his hands shoved in his pockets. When he didn't budge, Shane stalked over to Finn and said something too soft for me to hear. Finn nodded as he looked to his left, and away from Shane.

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