Author's Note

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Hey folks,

As you may have noticed Back Roads is going through a lot right now. I'm incredibly proud of that story. If you know me, that took a lot for me to say. I don't normally prance around with my writings, wanting people to read it. To openly claim pride in something I wrote takes a lot of self convincing. 

Most writers, I feel, always have something on the back burner to work on that turns into another story with out expecting it. Or maybe you do. Everyone has their own thing. 

This is my second back-burner-story since completing Back Roads. I needed something to do to keep myself busy - both mind and hands. Most don't believe me when I say my mind feels more like a train junction then just a station. I have so many things that I try to make sense of and writing helps to clear that way. My teachers never understood that.

I couldn't focus on Biology, because I would lose focus from a single word in the lecture. Equations in math always tangled into something from a class taken two years ago that didn't relate. Even now, as an adult with a 9-to-5 job, I sit and think about a line from a movie and spend most of my time trying to place it while working on the task at hand. Books and writing have helped to ease the chaos running rampant in my already bust head.

The Rules came about because I needed to draw my focus from Back Roads. I continued to feel like something was missing, or I didn't explain a moment clearly enough. Now that it has been submitted to the Wattys, I'm even more paranoid. I wanted to do this new story for fun - purely a cliche. 

I now how much we all love cliches. In truth I feel like there are three real feelings about them.

1. you hate them; can't stand them and avoid them like the plague.

2. you love them; they always have the happy ending we all want from life and you lose yourself in another fairy tale.

3. You read them to waste time; most are quick, easy and fill that time you could be doing something else but are choosing to ignore.

I'll admit I start as #3 but slowly morph into #2. I'm a sucker that way. No matter which one you fall into, please read. Leave some comments or message me saying how much you despise the relationship/drama/etc. This is my second multi perspectives. Although I have never done one with this many perspectives. Wish me luck!

If you are ready, please continue reading to begin the new beauty. Don't forget to leave some feedback - even if you're a member of grammar police.

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