Chapter 24

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The fans piled into the stands and wrapped around the fencing were shouting and cheering as the clock wound down for the junior varsity game

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The fans piled into the stands and wrapped around the fencing were shouting and cheering as the clock wound down for the junior varsity game. Keegan ran to check the scoreboard and with a wild grin was trotting back with helmet in hand. It felt oddly comforting that the team will be left in good hands after we graduated. We let the door slam shut as he, I and Joe walked back toward the heart of the locker room.

Lucas was on a bench, leaning against the lockers behind him. His jersey eased over his pad shoulder pads that were nestled between his feet. Shane was stretched out across the bench on the other side of the aisle. A football in his hands as he tossed it into the air and letting in fall back to his waiting hand. The coaches were huddled in the office going over the game plan for tonight.

I fell onto the bench beside Lucas as Joe nudged at Shane's feet. His legs straddled the bench as Joe sat and mirrored Lucas' position. With the exception of some chatter, the locker room was pre-game silent. Each of us trying to get focused on what would be waiting for us on the field.

Blaine had mocked me before the Westerly about how I claimed every team was a rival. There was some truth to it. Each team brought with them different challenges. Each wanted to be considered the top of the conference. Some had a defensive line contained players who were all built like Joe and Luke. Even their running backs were brick walls. Others had fast receivers or a quarterback who wasn't shy about running the ball. Off the field, each was just another team. Once you're out their, facing off with them, it becomes personal. It becomes a rivalry for who is the best.

"You're not focusing," Joe mumbled as a smirk tugged at his lips. I hunched over, resting my elbows on my knees.

"I know," I huffed out as my hands slid over my head to rest on my neck.

"What's going on?" I glanced over at Shane as Joe asked the one question I didn't have an answer for. The ball had been frozen in his hands as he stared at the ceiling waiting. I didn't have to look at Luke to know he was waiting to.

"Nothing," I mumbled in return. "Just can't focus."

"Get it together," Lucas grumbled as the arms folded over his chest tightened their knot. Easy for him to say. This was just an outlet for him. All the pent of aggression he's managed to keep control of has been unleashed on the field game after game. Shane was a born quarterback. Little could distract him from a game. Joe, well, Joe was just there because we were.

Ever since my mom and dad found out about Blaine's sleep over they've been riding me hard. Asking about tests and projects. Making sure I was doing my best on the field. Reminding me of the rolemodel son I should be. When the topic of the dance came up, Mom was disappointed I wasn't going. Dad decided to take her silence as an opportunity to remind me that as a leading example of the student body meant showing my face at such events.

When I told them Blaine didn't want to go they shared a look and I left the room. I knew what they were saying without a single word being shared. They thought she was a distraction and making all the decisions for us. If only they knew how relieved I was that she didn't want to be paraded around at the dance, they might disown me. How we were handling our relationship was simple and easy going. In truth, it's all I really wanted.

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