Chapter 6

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Fresh cut grass has to be one of the best smells in the whole world

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Fresh cut grass has to be one of the best smells in the whole world. I left my last class for the day earlier, with out permission. The teacher gave me a pass for the bathroom and I haven't been back. Since that was twenty minutes ago, I don't think she noticed. Now I'm sitting on the hard metal bleachers with a book in my hands. Peeking over the top of it I watched the start of football practice.

The first game of the season was this Friday and Coach Gilly told the boys they needed to be ready. I know, because I could here him shouting from the far side of the field. Shane was lined up behind his offensive line, calling out for the snap. Taking two steps back and shuffling to the side to avoid at tackle, he sought out Finn. The ball spiraled out of his hand and soared high in the air. I flinched as I caught my brother steam rolling into Joseph in determined attempt to sack his friend.

Finn caught the ball and slowed his pace as he neared the end zone. A whistle ripped through the air and the boys reset their positions. Against each other, our team looked unstoppable. The defense made it through the offensive line, but it took work. Shane remained on his own two feet and was able to make the plays happen. He even snuck the ball through after a faked hand off.

Along the sidelines, Heather was rolling her eyes as the poms captain was walking them through a new cheer. It was new to our squad, but it was a total rip-off of something she had seen last year. Heather never cared for Lily Hall. She always complained about how her hair was dyed blonde to match her I.Q. level. Catching me watching, she slid her finger across her throat and stuck out her tongue. I bit back my laugh as she regained her composure when Lily turned around to face the squad. Lily clapped her hands with each count.

A clatter of pads followed by a short chirp of the whistle drew me back to the boys. Shane was flat on his back with my brother staring down at him. Lucas had a short fuse, especially when he was on the field. I'd never seen him in a fight. Not one he started anyways. Someone usually provoked him, but he was smart. He waited for the other guy to throw the first punch then lay into him. When it was someone on the team who pissed him off, he made it clear there would be no mercy.

A few choice words from Coach Gilly and my brother was offering his hand to help his friend back up. Their helmets thumped against one another as Lucas mumbled something Shane. He nodded in understanding and smacked Lucas' padded shoulder. Lucas' got back in line and waited as Shane shook out his arms. That was a solid hit.

"What did Shane do," I whispered to myself as my brow furrowed behind the sunglasses.

Half an hour later and the coach called the team into a huddle. The assistant coaches stood behind him as he spoke. The first game was against one of the bigger rivals in our conference. Each boy nodded with the commands and questions requiring a confirmation. The hand holding his clipboard fell to his side and that my cue. Stepping onto the bench in front of me, I took a giant step. I did this down the next two before landing on the gangway. The team was dispersing as I made it down the last set of stairs and walked to the fence.

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