Alternate Epilogue

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I listened to Blaine on that day at the airport

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I listened to Blaine on that day at the airport. The gut wrenching feeling that took root well before her words were spoken stuck with me for the five hour flight. They nestled their way under my skin and taunted me as I focused on setting up my new life in California.

We kept in contact for a few months. Emails, letters and the occasional phone call. Then life got in the way. She was busy leading her team into the new age. The proud little QB that could was finally forging her own path. Even if my own practices and classes didn't take up my day, I wouldn't want to bother her. At least, those were the reasons I told myself.

I was determined to wait out the year we had promised would be spent on ourselves. A year to get my bearings out here in the sunshine state, or whatever the fucking slogan was. A full course load of basic boring ass classes. Classes that I swear I had already taken back in high school. After five hours in a lecture hall, there is the additional four hours spent on practicing. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have weight training and conditioning for two hours. I was lucky to get sleep most nights. My friends all sounded like they were living the dream.

For weeks Shane negotiated with his parents to let him travel the country. He now calls daily with updates on his whereabouts and all that he has been doing to keep busy. Joe was busy with trade school. Never knew he had it in him to defy his mother's wishes and skip the big university offers. I'm sure between her and Heather, he had considered turning his back on what he wanted. Instead, he stuck with it. The older Lester was living up life at Illinois State University. For the first time in our entire friendship, he was doing great in school. He finally got to do his own thing after years of watching out for all of us.

"James," a voice boomed from outside my door. A chorus of thudding erupted when I didn't answer it right away. My name in various forms and tones. The grin on my face as I heard the voices begin to bicker was hard to stop as I pulled open the door. Joe stumbled backwards as I jumped back. He was laughing like a damn hyena as he waved at me.

"Finnigan," Shane shouted as he stepped over Joe and collapsed on my bed.

"Hey, man," Luke greeted me before offering Joe his hand.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Kidnapping you." I turned to Shane as I kicked my door shut.

"Kidnapping is for anyone under eighteen. Otherwise it's an abduction."

"Two semesters away and he's already smarter."

"Mind telling me what you're really doing here? I mean you called me two days ago from Texas." I turned from Shane to study the goons standing awkwardly on the other side of the small room. "And don't you two have classes or something?"

"ISU wrapped up early. Just like USC." Lucas grinned at me. Shane clapped his hands pulling my attention back to him.

"Pack a bag, Finn. You're going home, baby boy."

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