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"okay is everyone ready." chris said. we all took a deep breath in and i nodded.

"what's up guys we're back with another car video for you guys." nick said loudly and i could already feel myself about to laugh. it was so hard not to when i was around them.

"today we're doing another q&a." chris said next.

"and look who agreed to be in it." matt said looking back at me.

"what's up everyone." i flashed a big smile for the camera.

"char!" the three of them said. nick wrapped me in a big hug.

"okay enough pda, let's ask some questions." chris joked with us.

"okay here's my first one, 'if animals could talk,
what species do you think would be the rudest. btw love you four'" matt said reading a question off.

"SCREENSHOT." nick screamed at him.

"chill the fuck out nick, i did."

"people." nick said. "humans are consider animals and i feel like our brains are just more advanced than all of the other animals. like they'd all be too dumb to be rude."

"hey you can't argue with that. he's got a point." chris said dapping nick up.

"okay we don't have to think that far into it nick." matt said back.

"i feel like gorillas. they just seem cocky to me." i shrugged.

"i don't know about the meanest, but i feel like dolphins would be the nicest." matt replied.

"that wasn't what the question was asking, dumbass." chris gave matt a look and we all erupted into laughter.

"i swear to god you love doing shit like that, matt" i said in between laughs.

"you just twist the question into your own." nick said while holding his stomach because of how hard we were all laughing.

when it was finally my turn to look for a question, nick handed me the phone. i was scrolling through all of the questions and i noticed a lot of them were about me dating chris or matt.

"by the way guys, i am not dating matt or chris." i said still scrolling through the questions.

"oh i just came up with a good question for char." chris said proudly. "have you ever had a crush on either of us."

"oh my god." i buried my head into my hands, already feeling my cheeks burn. "no."

"come on char the cameras up there." nick started poking me.

"stop it nick." i squirmed. "i have never, ever, had a crush on you guys." i looked at the camera with a straight face.

"now that's just not true." chris said. matt was just staring down at his phone, smiling. "thoughts matt?"

"i mean she said she didn't." he shrugged and looked back at me.

"thank you, i guess matt is the only one out of all three of you who actually believes me." i pointed at nick and chris.

"because you're lying!" nick laughed so loud that we all started to laugh again.

"nick cut this entire part out" they all started laughing even more. "i'm not kidding!"


we answered a couple more questions and just drove around for the rest of the night.

"i might honestly edit all of this tonight and post it tomorrow, i feel like this video is gonna be so funny." nick said.

"i think that was one of the funniest videos we've ever filmed." chris added.

i nodded and matt just said a quiet "yeah."

"char" nick said seriously.


"pleaseeee let me keep that part in." he took both of my hands into his own.

"it was really funny." chris agreed

"chris you're not helping!" i hit his shoulder once nick let my hands go.

"fine." i finally said. "i'm not gonna lie, it was funny"

"aha! i told you." chris shouted.

"matt? do you care?" nick asked.

"as long as charlottes okay with it, i am. it's not like she still likes me, it was like three years ago."

"yeah. exactly." i nodded to his response. "hey matt, do you think you could drop me off? i have to work again in the morning."

"yeah for sure."


once i got home i took a quick shower and got ready for bed. i had finally put my phone away and shut my eyes when i heard it buzz

matty :)

nick is editing rn. i just
wanted to make sure it
was still ok if he keeps
that part in

yeah, i don't mind. it's
really funny and i
seriously don't care

ok, just wanted to make

u know i'd never want
u to feel uncomfortable

i know. thank you, i
appreciate it

of course

ok i'm going to bed now

gn matt

goodnight char

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