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liked by christophersturniolo and 42,789 others
matthew.sturniolo look at this pic @itschar took tonight
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itschar so cute <3
matthew.sturniolo thank you char!
itschar i was talking to trevor.. not you #awkward
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i threw my phone across my bed after looking at matt's post for like the 100th time. i couldn't stop replaying what happened tonight in my head. what did it mean? he definitely had to have feelings for me, right?


u awake


what's up?

what was up w matt

and don't tell me he was tired

i could see right through
his bullshit


shut the fuck up char

u were up there for like
twenty minutes

u guys just talked about how
tired he was


okay well i don't believe u.
so please inform me

ask him urself if u really
want to know that bad

woah woah woah

no need for an attitude, char


i just honestly don't know
what was wrong w him

okay. i'm sorry i kept asking
then lol

you're fine, chris

if u do end up asking lmk
what he says

okay will do

gn char

goodnight chrissy


was i lying to chris? yeah kind of. it wasn't really my place to tell him. how was i supposed to say "oh yeah you're brother was jealous because people were shipping us together. but no we're not dating, and he shows absolutey no interest in me"? see it just doesn't make any sense.

i shut my phone off one last time before drifting off to sleep.


i looove including texts and instagrams so i'm going to be doing it more often! i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! sorry it's a little bit of a shorter one but i still thought it was fun.

might post one more tonight! the next one is also kind of short!


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