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after that night at sissy's house, after matt told me he loved me, i decided i'd move back in with my best friends. it had been a few months since i came back and everything was going awesome. chris dropped his clothing line later in the fall which was super exciting and for christmas we all went back to massachusetts to spend time with our families. my following on social media kept growing, which i know was mostly from just being associated with the triplets, but it was still cool.


"TOUR?" i screamed.

the boys had just returned from what they referred to as a "very important meeting." they had been gone for a few hours so i was sprawled across the couch when they finally came back.

"are you kidding? congratulations!" i jumped up from where i was previously sitting and squeezed each of the boys individually.

"thanks kid." chris beamed.

"i'm so fucking excited for it." nick said walking over to the fridge. he grabbed some sodas for the four of us.

"okay tell me everything." i leaned on the island in the kitchen and cracked my pepsi open.

"i think they said there's going to be like 15 shows and malcolm and tril are coming with to perform." matt said. he hadn't stopped smiling since they got home.

"no way, that's so exciting!" i squealed.

"we have even more news." chris said after taking a sip of his pepsi.

"what?" i asked, excitingly.

chris and nick both looked at matt with giant smiles.

"what is it?" i turned to look at matt who was standing next to me.

"nah, we should just tell you later." he smirked and looked down at his phone.

"matt!" i yelled as i pushed his shoulder.

"wow. now we're definitely not telling you." matt said crossing his arms.

all of the boys were now laughing. "oh come on guys! i want to know." i pleaded.

"fine." matt paused, building up the suspense. "would you want to come with us?"

i immediately gasped and put my hands over my mouth. "are you guys serious?" i asked. the boys had giant smiles and all nodded. "of course!" i jumped up and down excitingly.

"madi's coming too!" nick said.

"oh my god, this is going to be so much fun!" i hugged the boys one more time. "when does it start?"

matt draped his arm around my shoulder. "january 15."


HEY!!! i've got some special tour chapters coming! did any of you guys get to go on their tour or are you planning on it? i hope you guys are excited for these chapters!

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