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i found myself smiling at my phone as a video of the triplets played. it was my first time watching one of their videos since i had left. i felt like i was ready to go back to la, but i didn't know where i stood with them. i didn't know if they'd want me to come back.

a lot has changed since i left. they found a new group of people to hang out with, and i was happy for them. i talked to chris and nick almost daily, but matt never reached out. i didn't know if i had done something to upset him so i decided to give him some space. maybe he had found someone new or something and was too scared to tell me.

all of the sudden, i was snapped our of my thoughts when matt's name popped up on my screen. i hesitantly answered his facetime call.

"hello?" i asked.

"hey, i just want to say sorry."

"for?" i replied. it was the first time we had talked in a long time.

"i don't know. for not checking in." he said quietly.

"it's fine. i never reached out to you either. i guess we were both in the wrong."

"no char, you had a reason. i was just being a dick."

"yeah, you were." i responded.

"hey, i can call myself that. you cant." we both laughed. i missed his laugh a lot.

"i miss you." i said after awhile.

"i miss you too." he said.

i heard someone laughing in the background of his call. "is that chris?" i found myself smiling at the familiar noise.

"yeah he just got home." matt said.

"matty!" a girls voice said in the back.

"who's that?" i questioned.


"oh, it's nessa. i should probably go."

"okay." i replied quickly. i hope my jealously wasn't able to be heard.

"okay. i'll talk to you later?"

"yeah. sounds good." i took the phone away from my ear and hung up quickly. maybe i wasn't ready to go back to la.


sorry these chapters have been so short! i hope you enjoyed!

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