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matt's pov!

"matt" chris came stomping into my room.

"what do you want, chris. i want to go to bed" i sighed.

"what is wrong with you dude. you've been ignoring me all night. did i do something?" he looked at me and crossed his arms.

"dude, no. i said it was nothing" i pushed the hair out of my face.

"matt, how long have we known eachother?"

"shut up, chris" i said, cracking a smile.

"yeah, long enough for ME to know that YOU are lying." he pointed at himself and then at me. "you can't lie to me, matt."

"chris, seriously."

"no! im not leaving here until you tell me. i hate when you're upset, dude. im for real." he took a seat at the end of my bed.

i sighed and just stared at my wall for a minute. "i don't know, it's char."

"what about her? what'd she do?" he whipped his head around to look at me.

"no, it's not like that." i shook my head.

"then what?" he said quietly.

"i think," i took a deep breath in and exhaled. "i think i like her." right after i said that i turned my head away so i wouldn't look at him. i could already feel my cheeks heating up.

"are you for real, dude. that's awesome." he smiled.

"no, it's not 'awesome' at all, actually" i replied, mocking him.

"what, why?" he looked at me.

"i don't know how to describe it. i don't want people to be like mad."

"mad?" chris asked again.

"like our viewers. i don't know"

"matt, no offense, but who gives a fuck about what anyone else think about this situation. like cudos to them or whatever because we wouldn't be here without them, but also they should have no say in this. it's your life, not theirs." he stood up. he honestly seemed passionate about this topic.

"but what if they're mean to charlotte." i added.

"char's strong. i know she's not gonna let some little 15 year old girls drag her down."

"i guess you're right, it's just scary."

"i know, but hey. this is all of our first times doing this. we're all going to get through it together." he assured.

"thank you, chris. seriously"

"no problem. now go tell char before i do." he laughed and ran out of my room


short chapter again! but the next chapter is exciting so i hope everyone's ready!

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