
14.4K 237 76

special chapter for 1 million subs!


the boys had the idea to film a similar video to their 100k subscriber video. we had a camera set up in our living room pointed towards all of us on the couch. another one just pointed towards the tv where we had the live subscriber count on the screen.

"oh my god. 10k away." i gasped.

"i think i'm going to throw up." nick said. "i'm not kidding. i can feel it."

"dude go to the bathroom or something if you're being serious." matt said.

"i'll be okay for now. but once that says 999,000, then i might actually."

"oh lord." chris said.

"oh, i forgot! i brought presents for everyone!" madi got up from next to me on the couch.

"no way." i said excitingly. she came back with two grocery sacks.

"pepsi for you." she handed chris a can of pepsi. "a bang for you."

"you're the absolute best." nick smiled as he took the energy drink from madi.

"a sweet tea for matty, and a monster for you, charlotte!"

"my sweet madi, i love you." she sat back down next to me as i gave her a side hug.

"i figured we might need some caffeine to help us stay up." madi laughed. they still had 9k to go and it was already midnight.

"you're so smart." i said cracking open my monster can. "i'm already getting tired."

"you're a baby, char." chris said.

"unlike you chris, i like going to bed earlier so i don't sleep for half of the day." i answered.

"okay, now you're judging my lifestyle."

"don't judge my brothers lifestyle, charlotte." matt said  scooting away from me. chris was sitting in a chair and the rest of us were on the couch. madi and i were in the middle of the couch, matt was next to me and nick was, sometimes, next to madi. nick spent half of the time on the couch and the other half he spent jumping up and down because of how nervous he was.

"i am sorry for judging the lifestyle of my boyfriend's brother, christopher sturniolo."

"thank you for the apology" chris said.

"FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND." nick jumped up from his spot on the couch.

"okay nick, you've got to stop doing that." madi laughed.

"i can't. im freaking out." nick started walking around the apartment. "IM FREAKING OUT." he yelled from the kitchen.


"only 1k" chris said putting his head in his hands.

"i genuinely can't believe this." matt said.

"i cant watch anymore." nick covered his eyes.

"you need to." madi pulled nicks hands away from his eyes.

"oh my god." i said, surprised at how fast the sub count was growing. they only had 500 left. i pulled out my phone so i could record when they hit 1 million. "why do i feel like it's new years." i laughed.

pretty soon the screen read 999,992. i took my phone out and hit record.

"1 million!" we all screamed as soon as it showed 1,000,000 subscribers. we all jumped around and exchanged hugs.

"are you crying?" i asked chris.

"no!" he said defensively and whipped tears away from his eyes.

"i'm so happy for you guys. i knew you could do it." i told the boys after everything at calmed down a little.


1 million subs. wow. well technically they're at 1.12 million now. that's insane. i am so happy for them and they deserve it so much. that you for reading this guys!

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