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"see you guys next week!" nick yelled next to me. i watched as chris picked up the camera and faced it towards matt so he could kiss the camera.

"that was great guys." chris said. we had just finished up filming another car video.

"guys i was thinking,"

"oh no. we hate it when you do that." matt joked.

"shut up." i laughed. "what if i made a youtube channel?"

"yes! i absolutely love that idea, char" nick said, excitingly.

"char, you have to." chris agreed.

"okay, okay guys. we'll see." i hopped out of the back seat as chris jumped into the back where i was sitting. "i like sitting up here."

"i like it when you're up here too." matt smirked.

"okay. remind me to not let charlotte sit up there anymore." chris scoffed from the backseat.


we had been driving around for around an hour just listening to music and talking.

"oh shit guys, madi's calling me." nick said from the back. matt had turned down the music.

"madi?" i asked, not recognizing the name. chris and matt made eye contact with each other, but ignored my question.

"hey madi!" nick put the phone up to his ear. "yeah! ... umm we're still deciding right now ... okay ... yeah we'll talk about it and let you know soon ... yeah i'm with them right now" nick took the phone away from his ear. "madi says hi"

"tell her we say hey" chris whispered.

"they say hey back ... okay i'll talk to you later ... love you, bye!" he hung up the phone call and exchanged glances with the other two boys.

"so... who's madi" i asked once more.

"char, we've been meaning to talk to you about something." matt said.

"yeah we didn't know when the right time was" chris added.

"now we do." nick awkwardly laughed.

"are you guys going to tell me or..."

"promise not to get mad and to hear us out?" matt turned to face me in his seat. we had ended up parking in a random lot when nick answered the phone.

"yeah yeah. now tell me." i said worriedly.

"okay. so there's this girl, madi." matt started

"we met her through tik tok and since then, we've become really close with her" nick said.

"so close you guys haven't mentioned her to me?" i whispered.

"char it's not like that." matt replied and took one of my hands.

"well her mom is the ceo of this thing called z star digital." nick continued.

"so she basically manages other influencers. she wants to be our manager." chris added.

"no way! that's so cool. i'm so happy for you guys." i said, surprised. i genuinely was really happy for them i just didn't know why they were scared to tell me.

"she wants us to move out there." matt got straight to the point.

"where?" i asked.

"l.a." chris said quietly.

"oh." i sat forward in my seat, letting go of matt's hand. the car was completely silent now. no one knew what to say next. "you guys should do it." i finally said.

"what?" matt said, surprised.

"yeah, you guys should move there." i said a second time. this time i sounded more sure of myself. "it'll help you guys, a lot. being with your manager and other creators. you'll be able to make content easier. i think it'll be good for you guys."

the boys sat back quietly, probably surprised at what i just said. i'm sure they thought i'd throw a fit about them moving, but i was actually really happy for them. sure i'd miss them like crazy, but they were my best friends. we'd still keep in touch, even if they were on the other side of the country.

"you actually mean it?" matt finally said.

"of course i do, i'm really proud of you three." it was my turn to take his hand now, hoping it would help him believe me. he leaned towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"oh god make it stop." nick covered his eyes.

"okay, calm down nick." i laughed.

"thank you char, it means a lot." chris put his hand on my shoulder.

"for real, thank you for always supporting us." nick added.

"always and forever." i smiled at them and we awkwardly all tried to hug in the car.

"look at some apartments we've been looking at." nick leaned forward to show me some of their options.

"oooo i like this one the most."


4k reads?? that's insane thank you all so much! this was a little bit of a longer chapter! i hope you all enjoyed it! sorry if there are any typos!

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