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"good morning nick." i smiled into my phone at nick on the facetime call.

"good morning char! we are on our way." he flipped the camera and showed matt and nick in the front seats of their van.

"okay! i'll see you all soon then."

"okay byeeee." nick hung up and i grabbed the last suitcase of mine. we had movers take everything else and our bigger stuff already. i ran downstairs and said goodbye to my parents one last time.

a few minutes later i got a text from matt saying they were here. i grabbed my suitcase and got into their van.

"good morning everyone." i smiled at the boys when i got into the car. it's was around 5 in the morning and they all looked super sleepy.

"good morning char." matt smiled back at me.

"chris is trying to sleep right now." nick shushed me.

"which is stupid because we'll be at the airport in like 20 minutes." matt said and hit chris on the head.

"matt knock it the fuck off." chris punched him back.

"someone's grumpy this morning." i giggled.

"charlotte." chris said turning around, holding his hand up like he was going to slap me.

"woah woah woah!" i put both hands up in defense and we both started laughing.

"alright is everyone ready? you got all your stuff charlotte?"matt said from the front seat.

"yup. all good to go." i said and nick nodded in agreement.

"alright." he said and pulled out of the driveway.

we arrived at the airport in a little less than 20 minutes due to the fact that there was no traffic at all since it was so early.

"goodbye van." nick said trying to hug the van. the boy's mom was going to come back later today and pick it up since we weren't taking it to la with us. they had saved up some money to just buy a new one when we got to la.

"man, this is depressing." chris said looking at the van.

"yeah it is." matt said patting his back.

"goodbye." i said joining nick in the weird van hug. eventually matt did and chris soon followed. we all started laughing after a few minutes because we were getting some pretty weird looks.

we walked into the airport and grabbed some drinks and snacks for breakfast and then pretty soon it was time to board the plane. luckily it had two seats per row. i sat next to matt and chris and nick sat together right behind us. chris had fallen asleep before the plane even took off.

i plugged my headphones in and started playing music. the sun started to rise after we took off and i took a few pictures of how pretty it was. soon i rested my head on matt's shoulder and we both fell asleep.


thank you for reading everyone! i wrote this chapter kinda fast so let me know if there are any typos or grammar mistakes! also thank you for 21k reads!

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