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a couple weeks had passed since the triplets came back to boston from their la trip. i had thought about what matt and i had talked about in the car and i realized that he was right. i don't think i'd be able to function without the boys living 5 minutes away from me. so i started my youtube channel and started posting more consistently on all of my platforms. i had already gained 50k subscribers in less than a month which was absolutely insane. i put my two weeks in at the coffee shop i worked at, which was kind of bittersweet.

it was our last day in massachusetts before leaving for la and we had decided to go to the coffee shop.

"can i have two iced vanilla lattes, one iced caramel latte, and," i reached into the cooler and grabbed a can of pepsi, "one of these." i said to the new girl behind the counter.

"$13.59" she said. i passed her my cash and slipped a $10 bill in the tip jar.

"thank you!" she smiled.

"of course" i smiled back.

"how much should we venmo?" nick asked when i got to the booth they usually sat at.

"it's on me, don't worry." i sat right next to matt.

"why is this kind of sad." chris said, looking around the cafe.

"i was thinking the same thing." matt said.

"it's bittersweet for sure." i agreed.

"char, remember the saturday after we met in science class?" chris asked.

"yeah you guys had no idea i worked here." i started laughing.

"we walked in here and chris SCREAMED 'charlotte!' and matt and i were so confused." nick smiled.

"and then we all hung out like that night, right?" matt asked.

"yeah, it was like the most fun i'd ever had. i was so nervous to hang out with you though." i looked at matt.

"but now look at us." matt smiled and took my hand.

"i'm so happy you caught that paper on fire." chris started to laugh, thinking about the paper i caught on fire in science class.

"me too. it's so crazy to think about it. we both missed a lab and got forced to work together, and now we're all moving to la tomorrow." i said.

"it's crazy." nick said. "oh shit, i'm gonna grab our coffees."

when nick got back, he passed us our lattes.

"mmm this is good. how's yours, matt?" i asked.

"it's good. yours are better though." he laughed.

"no for real, can we buy an espresso maker for our apartment? i want you to make us lattes every morning." nick asked.

"our own personal barista!" chris gasped.

"i'm gonna miss coming here and hanging out while you edited." matt said, gesturing to nick.

"don't worry we'll come back to boston soon and we can come back here." i said.

"i cant believe we're gonna be in la tomorrow. and like actually live there." nick stated.

"same." chris agreed.

"i cant wait to finally meet madi. it'll be nice to hang out with a girl." i giggled.

"um, ouch." chris scoffed.

"you're gonna love her." matt said.

"she's the best." nick agreed.

we all sat there for awhile, in silence. i was thinking about how different my life was going to be in just 24
hours. and how i couldn't even fathom how my life turned out like this. i'm sure that's what the boys were thinking too.

"well are you guys ready?" chris said, toying with his now empty pepsi can.

"yeah, i still have some things to pack." i confessed.

"i've been done for like a week. how are you still not finished." nick said, surprised.

"charlotte always procrastinates, nick. did you expect anything different?" matt said getting out from the booth.

"exactly." i agreed.

we got into matt's van and he dropped me off at my house.

"i'll see you guys tomorrow." i smiled.

"bright and early!" nick smiled back.

"bye, char." chris said. he smiled at me but i could tell he was a little upset. but who wasn't? it was our last night in our childhood town.

"we'll be here at 6am." matt had the same happy yet sad expression on his face.

"bye guys."

"bye." matt said.

i waved one last time and turned to head into my house. a few tear drops escaping my watery eyes as i reached my front door. i turned around at the sound of matt honking and saw all three boys waving to me from the end of my driveway.


hey guys! thanks for reading!

just wanted to let everyone know that this story will be concluding soon. i'll probably write a few more chapters. but incase you didn't know i started a new matt fanfic! it's called you shouldn't be here so feel free to read it! thank you guys again so so much and i hope you all liked this chapter.

if you see any grammatical errors or typos let me know! i wrote this in a rush and didn't really read through it lol

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