✎Chapter Fourteen✎

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Akaashi Pov

Today's the day I make my escape. After all these months here, I'm not about to miss one more day without Kotori or Koutarou.

Eri chuckled as I laid on the floor, bloodied and bruised all over.

"Hm when I come back, it'll be time for you to die, I've had all my fun with you. Therefore I say, once you die I'm going to go give a lovely visit to MY Koutarou and get rid of that nasty child of yours. Rest while you can, it won't last long," she laughed and climbed the stairs before locking the door.

Groaning, I sat up and waited a few minutes before grabbing the pin from my hair. Once I grabbed it, I used that to take off the chains that were holding me down.

I struggled at first but finally got them off. As soon as I did, I stumbled up on my weak legs and looked over to the door, still cautious.

If I had more force I could bust down the door but I'm not exactly strong at the moment.

The bobby pin could help but even so, there are people waiting on that side of the door. People that Eri ordered to do things to me.

So I had to make up my own plan. And luckily I did.

I found a vent that leads to the outside and I'm going out through that. It might hurt to crawl all the way but I'll be damned if I don't try!

As quick as I could, I pulled the top off and crawled inside before putting the top on and crawling my way all the way to the outside.

It felt like an eternity but I finally made it and the sun shone brightly.

Keeping down my smile, I stumbled out and looked to make sure there were no people. Of course I made sure to memorize my surroundings and the address of the area as well before I started walking.

I tugged at the dirty sweater I was wearing to cover all that I could and I made my way away.

All the time as I walked I would look behind me to make sure I wasn't being followed. Luckily I wasn't or at least that's what I assume since the street is quiet and no one is out.

That's kind of suspicious but I don't know what's going on and don't really care. I just want to go home. Home to my family. To my lover and my son.

For what felt like hours I walked and I made it to the area where Bokuto and I live in.

I finally let my smile break free as I started running though wincing. It hurt to do a lot of things. To run, to even walk and at times breath but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

Just as I was getting close to the gate of the house, I was tackled and I winced.

"You thought we'd let you escape didn't you haha, jokes on you we're just going to make you suffer more,"

One of Eri's guys said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He's not fucking stopping me!


Please be home Bokuto...

The guy set me down and smacked me across the face just as there was a loud growl.

"Let him go." Bokuto said menacingly.

It felt so good to hear his voice again...

"No he's mine. And for my boss,"

Before I could even blink, I was back to laying on the floor and a bit away was Bokuto on top of the guy, hurting him.

"Koutarou.." I moaned painfully.

He gave the guy one last punch before coming over to me and cradling me. He looked so bad and not the good bad.


"Koutarou I'm so sorry for everything, I didn't want to leave you and I do love you. I was just forced to say it or then you and Kotori would have been hurt but I love you, I really do-"

"Keiji it's okay-" he cradled my face and wiped away my tears that I didn't even realize I had. "-I know Keiji and it's okay. You can explain everything soon but right now just calm down,"

Seems I had passed out because when I woke up I was staring at a white ceiling and heard the beepings of the hospital monitor.

Bokuto was asleep on the chair beside me and next to his other side was a little stroller.

Could it be Kotori? My baby?

Forcing myself up and out of the bed, the monitor started beeping widly and I crouched beside the stroller. Kotori was in a dark blue blanket and he was asleep with a little bit of drool going down the side of his mouth.

I couldn't help but cry silently and admire his beauty.

My beautiful son, how much I missed you all this time.

"I love you Kotori,"


A/N: Reminder to make sure to stay hydrated and to eat something! Also this book shall be coming to an end soon, either the next chap or the second next chap most likely.


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