8. Furt

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"I can't believe my mom's marrying Burt."

"Look at the bright side, you're gonna move to a bigger house and have your own room." Seeing the look on his face Liz continued. "Besides, it's gonna be the same as it is right now, they are just making it like 'extra official'." Liz said before licking her pistachio ice cream.

"I guess that's true." He muttered and continued to eat his chocolate ice cream.

The were both sitting on a bench in their favorite park they had found last year, eating ice cream. 

Liz was the person Finn always ranted to although she was Quinn's best friend, Quinn presented them before she even got together with Finn, knowing they would get along. 

"Alright, there's something else, tell me. "Wha-" Ponting at his face, she added. "Come on,I know you, now tell me." When he stayed silent, she knew she was right. "Do I need to kick someone's ass?" She lifted her eyebrow.

"I doubt you're gonna kick Theo's and Sam's asses." Finn muttered.

Nodding she admitted, "Definitely not gonna kick Sam's ass, but can come to an agreement about Theo's. What happened?" She nudged him with her shoulder.

"Well, at first I was kinda jealous of Sam, because he wants the quarterback position back, but he's still my friend. But I guess I'm more jealous of Theo 'cause he's with Quinn and he's always been popular without really trying. Makes me feel like a loser."

Sitting closer to him, she spoke. "You are not a loser, Christopher." He slightly smiled, as he usually does when she mentions his second name. "I'm not saying this because Sam's my boyfriend, but I think he really deserves the position, he's really good." Knowing that was true, Finn nodded. "And about Quinn and Theo..." She sighed. "You two are really cute together, but she's with Theo now and you're with Berry. If you're both single, then, I'll put a good word for you." She promised.

"I love you, Lizzie." "Love you too, Finnie."

"Sammy, what are we doing here?" Liz laughed as Sam led her by the hand to the science room and sat her on top of a table, while he stood in between her legs. 

He took a deep breath. "These galactic mobiles aren't the stars of McKinley. We are. Or at least, want us to be... I love you." Sam admitted, making Liz widely smile.

"I love you, too." She beamed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Sam responding right away with his hands on her waist, forgetting for a moment the reason he had brought her to the room.

Sam suddenly leaned back and kneeled down, taking something from his back pocket and opening to find a little box with a ring, making Liz panic. "Sam, oh, my god, don't you think it's a little too early for this!? We just said 'I love you'!"

He just chuckled at her reaction, trying to hide his nervousness. "I want to marry you... someday. Until then, will you accept this promise ring? If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you to be true, to never pressure you to do anything more than a kiss, to listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth or eye gunk, to come over to your house whenever you need something super heave moved around, although we both know you could do it alone." At this point Liz felt her eyes water just a little bit and had a small smile on her face. "I promise to make you feel proud when you point down the hall and say, 'That dude's my boyfriend!'. And I promise to do all of those things without ever trying to sound like Matthew McConaughey. I really love you, Lizzie. And I want us to be together for the long run."

She slowly walked closer to him and whispered. "I'm already proud of calling you my boyfriend and I love your Matthew McConaughey impression, so please don't stop doing it."

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