10. A Very Glee Christmas

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As every morning Liz walked to Sam's locker with both their protein shakes, so they could drink them together. Just this time, she practically skipped there and almost jumped on Sam's back. 

Turning around, Sam smiled, already knowing it was his girlfriend. "Hey, Lizzie. Excited are we?"

"Super! I love everything about Christmas. Baking cookies while dancing around to Christmas music and its snowing outside, then watching Christmas movies wrapped in a blanket eating them. Reading by the fireplace drinking hot chocolate. Oh, I just love it.", she said in one breath, before dramatically leaning against the lockers.

"Are you sure it's not because your birthday is one day later?", Sam teased closing his locker.

"Well, that too." Sam took her hand while he drank his shake with the other and together began to walk to the choir room. "And you know what's even better?! My dad is gonna be here for Christmas and my birthday!", she beamed at him.

"I'm really happy for you.", Sam honestly said, before realization feel on him, and he stopped walking with a scared face. "Wait... this means I'll have to meet him, right?"

Softly chuckling, Liz placed her hand on his arm. "Sam, he already knows about us. Besides, he said from what I've told him, he already likes you."

He nodded and continued to walk with her, but had an uncertain face, so Liz tried to reassure him. "Really. He'll love you, it's kinda hard not to."

Gaining his confidence back, Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders and together they entered the room. 

Quinn being the first to see them, walked towards them and hugged Liz, obviously knowing it was her favorite time of the year.

Quinn being the first to see them, walked towards them and hugged Liz, obviously knowing it was her favorite time of the year

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(The Most Wonderful Day of the Year by the New Directions)

Liz enthusiastically singed and danced with Brittany, Santana, Mike, Quinn and Sam.

After explaining to Mr. Schue how they found the Christmas ornaments, he said. "Guys, I appreciate the effort, but this isn't what Christmas is supposed to be like."

"We won sectionals two years in a row and according to everyone at this school, we still suck.", Mercedes said.

"Well, not all of us.", Liz muttered, making Santana and Brittany nod.

"I'm sure they just added food coloring to real slush from the parking lot.", Mike added from behind Liz.

"You can eat that, you know." Lauren said.

"No. I am not gonna let you guys throw yourselves a pity party. Look, I'm the first one to say that things haven't turned out exactly how I would have liked them. But Christmas is all about being grateful for the things that did."

"I thought that was Thanksgiving." Puck asked Liz, who herself didn't know the answer.

However Mr.Schue carried on. "And this year, Glee Club is gonna lend a hand to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program right here in Lima."

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