7. I Kissed a Girl

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"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes asked, as Finn wrote in the whiteboard.

"This week, the Troubletones and New Directions, will both be singing music created by ladies and for ladies." Finn announced.

"Oh, hell no." Santana said.

"Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win. But, Santana, we're worried about you." Finn said.

"Worry about yourself, fetus face." Santana snapped, making some people chuckle.

But Finn continued, ignoring Santana's comments. "Glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about."

"So, wait, I don't even get a say in this? Not cool" Santana shook her head.

"Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany." Finn stood in from of her. "And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are. Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be. That's it. That's what we're doing here." He pointed at Blaine. "Blaine? Kurt?"

As he sat back down between Liz and Rachel, Liz muttered. "I'm so proud of you, Finnie."

Finn smiled widely and wrapped his arms around both girls, who smiled at him.

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car. And we want to sing that for you right now." Blaine said.

"While there's nothing I'd love more than having two Pretty Ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further staging a 'Gel-ervention' for Blaine than singing lady music." Santana argued.

"I know it's hard. It was hard for me, too." Kurt said.

"But you can get through this. If you could just stop being so defensive-" Santana interrupted Blaine.

"I'm trying, but your hideous bow ties are provoking me."

"Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl? 'Cause there's a big difference." Puck asked, causing Liz to smack him on the head from behind.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." Mr. Schue said, making her nod back. "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

 "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

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(Perfect by Kurt and Blaine)

Liz danced in her seat and laughed with Finn and, surprisingly Rachel.

Santana smiled, "Thank you, guys. Thank you, Finn, especially. You know, with all the horrible crap I've been though in my life... now I get to add that." She sarcastically clapped, as Liz threw her head back with a sigh.

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