1. The Purple Piano Project

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"Elizabeth Lawrence! Our viewers have demanded info on your relationship with Sam Evans aka Trouty Mouth aka Hobo McBieber!" JBI approached Liz, holding a microphone and shoving the camera to her face.

She just pushed it away, closed her locker and began to walk away, not wanting to talk about it. "Come on! Facebook says you've both changed your relationship status to heartbroken, but have not deleted any pictures together."

"We're not together anymore since he moved away but are still close friends." Liz rolled her eyes, not wanting to show how much the breakup had and still hurts her.

"My sources also tell me with childhood best friend Theodore Hill now in college and Quinn Fabray nowhere in sight, you have no one to be at the top with. Who will be the lucky guy this year, Lizzie?" Jacob followed her through the hallway.

Turning around, she shoved her finger at his face. "Let me break it down for you. I have my friends and I'm happy with them. I don't need a guy at my side for that, got it?"

"Well someone's moody." JBI raised his eyebrows before running to find his next victim.

Liz turned to walk away but bumped into someone, causing some of her books to fall.

She went to pick them up, but a brunette guy bet her to it. Sending a charming smile her way, he said. "I'm sorry, I'm Lo-"

"I don't care." She rolled her eyes, took her books and walked away.

Leaving the guy in the middle of the hallway witness how everyone moved out of her way as she walked.


"Mr. Schue, why are all of our trophies in the middle of the room?"

"I was sure that our nationals trophy would grow during the summer." Brittany told Liz.

"I want this image burned into your mind. This is what the difference between first" He picked up a trophy. "and twelfth place looks like. It's also what it feels like."

"Are you planning on bumming us out all year long?" Puck asked sitting besides Liz.

"No. I'm planning on pushing you harder than you've ever been pushed. We made it to nationals last year. This year I'm not gonna let anything or anyone stop us from winning at all. I let you down last year. I lost focus, let some Broadway pipe dream get in the way." Mr. Schue said.

"And we're really sorry that the guy who replaced you in April Rhodes' musical won the Tony. I mean, I can only imagine your regret." Rachel said.

"Yeah, you know what I regret? Being the laughingstock of the show-choir world." Mercedes said.

"And that's saying something." Artie added.

"Mercedes has a point. Finn and Rachel's 'The Kiss that Missed' already has twenty-thousand views on Youtube, and the comments section is just full of pithy banter like 'Why is that T-Rex eating the Jew?'" Kurt said.

"I love those nicknames for you." Liz commented with a small clap.

Rolling his eyes with a smile, Finn asked. "How many times do we have to apologize for that?"

"The school hates us even more now." Mike stated.

"Which is why we have to work even harder this year to recruit new members. We're three men down." Mr. Schue pointed at him.

"Yeah, only because Puckerman couldn't convince Zizes to stay." Santana added.

"She's the one that got away... really, really slowly." Puck muttered, looking at the wall.

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