Leo finds out

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Bunker Nine
Leo's Pov
I wonder if anyone in the Chaos team found my note. When Calypso and I first saw them we figured that they would know about our friends or they actually are our friends. We've been waiting here for a few hours we watched the duel but they fight differently to anyone we've ever met. As I was thinking this the door to the bunker opened and the whole Chaos team walked in Alpha was dragging two of them by the ears. "Oww ow ow sis why are you dragging mee." Omega I'm guessing whined, while the other one Hero I think was just trying to get away. "Hey Leo, hey Calypso. You wanted to see us." Alpha said letting go of her brother and friend. "Yeah we wanted to know if you'd seen our friends, their names are Alyssa, Percy, Nico, Clarisse and Thalia." I replied. Alpha looked slightly uncomfortable when I said that. She pushed Omega forward and whispered "You tell them." He slumped his shoulders and took off his hood. "Hey Leo it's us." Said one of the people we thought we'd never see again Percy. "If you're here does that mean that Alyssa and the others are too." Calypso asked looking at the rest of the Chaos team. Alpha stepped forward and took her hood off as well. Alyssa. Then Storm, that was Thalia. Then Warrior, that was obviously Clarisse. Last Deathbringer stepped forward, Nico. "Who are the rest of you then?" I asked. Hero stepped forward and removed his hood. "I used to be Luke Castellan." "As in the guy who destroyed Kronos by sacrificing himself?" Leo asked. Luke nodded with a slight smile on his face. Just as Star stepped forward to introduce herself the others put their hoods back up and moved to the shadows. "Leo you can't tell anyone we're here right now nor can you tell them who we are. Just pretend we aren't here." Alyssa whispered to me. Just as she melted back into the shadows some campers came in. I nodded slightly and asked them what they wanted. "The gods wanted to know if you'd seen the Chaos Warriors. They want to talk to them." Will said. "No sorry, if I do see them I'll tell you though." I replied

Hey I'm sorry and I know it's short but I thought that you deserved it because I suck at writing I'm really sorry

Percy Jackson Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now