Chap 2 pt 1 (Because I'm lazy and want to update before I finish the chap)

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To clear things up Alpha can change into a panther when she wishes but when she shifts uncontrollably it is very dangerous. I will change Povs more often and try to make the chaps longer as well.


Alpha's Pov


We all got up at 7 and packed our things into the bags that we have. They can hold everything and they never get heavy. At 9 when everyone was ready we walked to the training room where Chaos was waiting. He opened a portal to Olympus and we all walked through to the Olympians arguing. Nothing has changed except the fact that the campers are now at every council meeting. We stood there in our black cloaks and masks for about 10 minutes before Percy and I stepped forward and coughed. I think we startled them because Annabitch jumped and latched her hand onto Jason who grabbed her closer. Ugh I hate them, I don't hate Leo though because I heard Piper charm speak him. I tried to convince Jason when we were dating but he wouldn't listen. Zeus looked at us and said in his huge voice "Who dares interfere with the Olympian Council Meeting." Dad just walked into the middle of the room and took off his hood (he wasn't wearing a mask). The effect was instantaneous everyone dropped to their knees everyone except the army that is. "This is my army, I have brought them to help in the upcoming war against my brother End and the Titans. They will go to your heroes camp and train them in the ways of the army. My son and daughter are at the head of this team. If you have any questions about this ask them. Oh and don't make them angry, even I can not match them when the are angry." Dad said then he flashed out, yeah thanks a lot dad, that'll make everything easier I thought. Omega and I stepped forward, "I am Alpha and this is Omega my brother, we are Chaos' children, we used to live on earth for our own protection and we were demigods, this is our elite team and they were all demigods. We would appreciate it if nobody asked about our past." I said in a bored tone. Jason stepped forward, "We don't need your help, the camps have me, I am the best hero who has ever lived. I want to challenge you to a duel." He said obnoxiously. I looked at Omega and rolled my eyes, even when we were on earth I could beat him in my sleep bro. Please let me take him or if Annabitch wants to be in the duel I'll take her and you take Mr. I'm the best hero ever. I mmed Omega he laughed and nodded. I said "If anyone wants to join your hero in the duel please step forward." Guess what Annabeth did so looks like I will be taking her on. "Ok Omega will take on Jason and I will take on Annabeth." I announced to the whole council, "Oh and Ares you will be referee M'kay well we'll be going now." I added and then we all walked out well me and Perce flew out but yeah. We got to camp and I said hi to Peleus the guard dragon then Chiron came out to the hill. "The Olympians imed me. Welcome to camp Half-Blood, you will all introduce yourselves properly at the camp fire tonight." He said, I missed Chiron he was one of the only people that saw me and not just Percy. Tyson came to camp today to see if anyone had heard any news on us I missed him too. He was my little brother and even though he preferred Percy he still liked me and he made me a shield like Percy's but mine had different pictures.

Omega's Pov

From when they flew out

We teleported to CHB after we got to the foot of the Empire State Building. When we got to the top of the hill Alpha went to say hi to Peleus. When Chiron came up to us she was back. He told us that we would have to introduce ourselves at the campfire. We all groaned quietly, Alpha mmed me and told me that Tyson was here. I missed Tyson he was my brother and one of my best friends. The team and I went down to the cabins and Chiron asked us where we would stay. Alpha told him that we would make our own cabin that you need permission to enter. He was shocked when she said own cabin. We went to a corner of the forest where we would make the cabin, we prefer to be away from the campers because we hate them.

^_^ time skip/preview of next chap ^_^

Annabitch came to the cabin, Alpha saw her and swore loudly.

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