Chap 1

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Omgea's Pov

I am training with my sister Alpha in our private training room. We need our own because the other ones we had with the team we accidentally blew up. We are practicing our powers and so far she is a whole lot better than me. We might be equal in power but in skill and strength she is better. Awww thanks bro but maybe when your thinking about me black your thoughts, she mm me ( Mind Messaged). Wow I'm a doofus I forgot to put the wall up. Everyone on the team have the power to message with their minds, it gives us an edge over everyone that we fight because we can coordinate plans without speaking. *Knock Knock* "may I come in Alpha & Omega?" Jenny asked politely. "Sure thing Jenny, we've stopped for now anyway." My sister said to her. "What do you want Jenny?" I asked nicely. "Oh Lord Chaos wants to see you in his study. He said something about a mission." She replied nervously like she knew what the mission was and didn't want to tell us. We thanked her and flew to his study in the other palace. We walked in to his study without knocking because he knew that we were there and he told us to sit down. That's when we got scared because he never tells us to sit down before a mission breifing. We went to the table and he told us to try and not blow up the planet. Uh oh this is not good bro. The last time he said that was when he had a bad mission for us. Alpha mmd me yeah I know I wonder what it is. I mmd back. We listened to him mumbling about how he doesn't want to do this and that no matter what we will still be a family until Alpha yelled "DAD what is the bloody mission already I'm getting bored!" He jumped and looked at her like she was a bomb then he did the same to me. "Ok here it is, you and the elite team have to go back to earth and help them defeat your uncle End. The place you have to go to is Camp Half-Blood or Half-Hell as I've heard you all refer to it. You will have to leave tomorrow at 7am and we will meet everyone on Olympus and you must wear masks unless you wish to reveal your identity. Also it would be best if you two didn't reveal until I say." Dad said and then I saw alpha start to shift. Oh no. "Dad maybe we should let Alpha go and gather her thoughts before she shifts completely considering what happened last time." I said quietly and he nodded and then Alpha left on her panther legs. Let me explain the last time bit.

<>~<> FLASHBACK <>~<>

We walked into fathers office and he told us that we would be sent to our second least favourite planet and she kinda flipped and shifted completely into a pure black panther and then the castle blew up. Then she shifted back her eyes turned black and the planet started to shake in the end I had to sword fight her and she won. The fight ended with me on the ground with a knife in my leg a lot of sword cuts an arrow in my arm and her foot on my chest. I was in the infirmary for 3 weeks after. She came every day and apologised. I forgave her but we've been wary ever since.

><->< FLASHBACK END ><-><

I went and told the team while my sister calmed down. Everyone complained and Benkendorf wanted to know if we could tell our parents and no-one else. I said yes but only if you really wanted to I also told them that they could tell the campers if they really wanted to. After that we all went to our rooms except Nico. He went to check on my sister. I have to say that I'm glad that she is dating him. He really cares about her and he won't hurt her like Jason and Annabitch did to us. Thalia came to my room to ask if I was doing ok. We talked about how much we hated camp until Alyssa and Nico came in. We still call each other our old names when we're alone because we think it keeps us sane. We all talked until 10 then they went back to their rooms and we all fell asleep. Tomorrow we head to our worst nightmare and harshest subject. We go back to earth.



I'm done. The gods are favouring this story at the moment.

So here is your first chapter. If you like it I would appreciate comments😉.

Thank you to all my readers. You all get a cookie and a donut 🍪🍩 there you go.

Don't forget to




I do follow back.

Lissi out ✌️

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