The webbed thoughts of a million molecules
all coming together to create a masterpiece.
Drizzles of white leaking down into a black abyss.
Chunks of glass catching reflecting what little light
it can in the murky mist.
Like sand sifting through an hour glass
the color changes
white overcomes black bringing the about a mocha
and with it sugar into the bitterness
making it bittersweet.
Slowly it changes my patience wearing thin
The gifts my mother taught me
fading away as I feel my mouth dry
begging for the bittersweet nectar
I have been staring at for minutes
that seem like hours.
Finally lifting the clear polymer cup
to my parched lips I feel the cold liquid
find the path down my esophagus cooling
my patience with it.
My craving sated
I continue on my way a new bounce to my step.
Hello again!
Hope you enjoy my poem about coffee and hope that you grab one yourself!
~ B. Whetstone