Poem 28

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I saw your head fall as though you fell asleep and knew something was wrong. In my head I began praying to God asking him to bless you and keep you safe. Your head started bobbing like it was a bobber and there was fish on the end of the line dragging you down but you were fighting. Then the battle was lost. I saw your finger signal a friend asking for help. Nine fingers, then a double one. She had trouble holding you and her phone. I offered my help and it was taken. Head swinging back and forth. Trying to be free from my grip. Seizure one. The chaos of the dispatcher. Seizure two. Students getting up. Seizure three. Quite at last. Seizure four. Teacher telling students class is canceled. Seizure four. Fire Truck on its way. Seizure five. EMT's enter the room, and drag the chair into the hallway. Seizure six. Vitals being taken. Seizure seven. Disoriented girl, scared of the female who was too brash. Rubbing her arm and speaking softly I calm her down. The EMT's take her to the ambulance, I gather my things. Teacher thanks me. I leave.


Hi Y'all,

Here is another poem for ya.

~ B. Whetstone

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