Chapter 6

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At around 7am on Sunday, if you managed to wake up early enough you'd be able to see Tanjiro and Inosuke asleep together in each others embrace. Tanjiro's head rested on top of Inosuke's head. Inosuke's face buried deep into the crook of Tanjiro's neck. Their hands still interlocked. Then, almost as if they shared the same mind, both their eyes snapped open at the same time. Inosuke sniffed and immediately jerked his head away from Tanjiro's neck. They both stared at each other, their faces gradually growing more and more red the longer they looked at each other.
"Haha G-Good Morning Inosuke" Tanjiro stuttered
"Good... Morning" Inosuke muttered
"Did you sleep well" Tanjiro rubbed the back of his neck, his face growing a deeper shade of red
"Uhm...Yeah better than expected" Inosuke shyly replied
"Yeah me too" Tanjiro agreed, covering his face.
"Why am I blushing so much"Tanjiro thought to himself, still covering his face.
Tanjiro felt hands pry his own hands away from his face. Infront of him, he saw Inosuke's face, just as red as his.
"I'll go ahead and shower" Inosuke said, getting off the sofa.
"I'll prepare breakfast" Tanjiro said heading to the kitchen

Inosuke closed the bathroom door behind him and put his back against the door. He slumped towards the ground and covered his face. "What am I doing?? His face... He's so cute" Inosuke thought to himself. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Tanjiro stood shaking over the stove. "Why's my heart beating so fast? I'm used to people sleeping on me" Tanjiro wondered. They both got on with what they were doing...

After Inosuke's shower, he came out of his room for breakfast. "Hey guys, Shinobu's going out with her friends and she wants us to come along. They're going to a skate park at 2 pm today. You guys wanna go?" Inosuke said
"YES IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION? ANYTHING INVOLVED WITH WOMEN, COUNT ME IN!" Zenitsu screamed. Tanjiro chuckled,"  Yeah sure. I'd love to meet her friends." The three of them clearly excited for the outing, rushed off to their rooms to prepare their stuff.

At 1:40, they waited by the door. "Do you know the way to the park, Inosuke?" Zenitsu asked
"Yeah, I've been there a few times with Kanao" He replied. "Lead the way" Tanjiro and Zenitsu synchronised. The walk was silent with a few questions here and there, nothing too entertaining.
When they reached the park, they saw a large group of students , with bizarre hairstyles and eye colours. They spotted Shinobu in the mix and called out to her.
"Hi guys come join us!" Shinobu yelled
The trio headed towards the large group.
"Guys, these are the three I was talking about. Blue Boar boy over there is Inosuke. Fivehead there is Tanjiro and Blondie is Zenitsu" Shinobu added
"Why do they get creative nicknames yet I'm stuck with Blondie" Zenitsu muttered
"HELLO! NICE TO MEET YOU! IM KYOJUROU RENGOKU!" A medium height male with yellow hair and red highlights yelled.
"Hi there boyss! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji" a girl with green and pink hair exclaimed
"All behold, a God has entered the building. I'm Tengen Uzui. BOW BEFORE MY FLASHINESS" A really tall boy with white hair and eye tattoos proclaimed
"Muichiro Tokito" a boy with an emotionless face muttered
"Ahh you poor souls. I'm known as Gyoumei Himejima" A huge, buff guy cried.
"I'm Sabito and this dead guy next to me is Giyuu Tomioka" a boy with orange hair and a scar near his mouth pointed to a boy with jet black hair and lifeless blue eyes
"I'm Sanemi Shinazugawa and this guy is my little brother Genya. Mess with him and consider yourself dead" a boy with white hair and scars all over his body pointed to the bot next to him with a scar crossing his nose
"I'm Iguro Obanai. If you so much as breathe next to Mitsuri, you're dead" a boy with a snake around his neck declared.
"And last but not least, I'm Kanae, Shinobu's twin sister" a rather tall girl with a butterfly pin smiled.

The trio froze. That was a lot of information to process. Most of them were scary and seemed like the unapproachable type. They stood still until Shinobu walked up to them," Don't worry about them. They're all big softies. Especially Tomioka" Shinobu whispered.
"I can hear you" Giyuu replied. Shinobu giggled and the group went back to their usual antics. " That was scary" Zenitsu stuttered. "They all seem like good people" Tanjiro beamed.
The two of them stood infront of the camera striking several poses. Sanemi and Genya were obviously the pro skaters, grinding half rails and all. Gyoumei and Tokito sat down engaged in a rather serious conversation. Shinobu and Kanae sat next to each other taking selfies. Misturi sat to the side with Iguro's head on her lap and Giyuu and Sabito sat next to each other holding hands (yes I ship it)
"You want me to teach you the basics of skating?" Inosuke turned to Tanjiro
"Umm sure" Tanjiro nodded
"What about me?" Zenitsu added
"Hang out with Shinobu or something." Inosuke scoffed, grabbing Tanjiro's wrist and dragging him to the center.

"So what your want to do is..." Inosuke trailed off explaining everything. Tanjiro couldn't take his eyes off Inosuke.
"Monjiro....Oi Monjiro" Inosuke called.
"Ahh yes sorry"
"Did you hear what I said"
"Uhhh yeah..."
"Great so get on the board" Inosuke commanded. He got on the board and stood completely still. He hadn't listened to anything Inosuke said.
"Okay now push off one foot" Inosuke instructed. Tanjiro did just as he had been instructed but he must have done something wrong because the board flew from beneath him. He started to fall backwards towards the ground. He braced for impact before be being caught by something rather soft. He opened his eyes to see Inosuke's face. His hair falling down the side of his face. All he could see was Inosuke.
"You alright?" Inosuke asked
"Uhm y-yeah" Tanjiro's face reddened.
"That's good. I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt." Inosuke added. Tanjiro hid his face behind his hands. Realising the position the were in, Inosuke immediately lifted Tanjiro up and placed him on his feet. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. In the background, Shinobu,Kanae, Giyuu and Sabito were all giggled.
"Shut up you losers" Inosuke yelled, only making them laugh even harder.
"Those two are definitely in love with each other" The four of them collectively thought.

After a long time, skating and chatting with their new friends they headed back to campus. "That was fun everyone. These three are amazing additions to the group." Rengoku chirped
"I agree. They're so cute and funny hahaha" Mitsuri complied
"Welcome to the group guys" Shinobu said.
"See you guys soon!" They all parted ways heading off into their own rooms.
"I like those guys. Especially the Shinazugawas. Definitely my type of people" Inosuke said
"I really enjoyed Rengoku and Tengen's enthusiasm" Tanjiro chimed in. They both turned to Zenitsu
"Shinobu and Kanao.... Both used me... As a makeup model... FOR THEIR INSTAGRAM PAGE..." Zenitsu muttered.
"Aww I'm sor-"
"You knew this would happen didn't you?" Tanjiro turned to Inosuke
"Bingo" Inosuke chuckled.

The three of them retired to their own rooms to prepare for another week of college ahead of them...

Finally getting to write the spicy stuff. I made Shinobu and Kanae twins so that they could attend the same college together. Please don't kill me. Anyway I hope y'all like it. Stay tuned

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