Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I bite my bottom lip anxiously, my knee bouncing. My lawyer, Wendy, gently nudges me in the side making me look up at her. "Calm down. There is no way that you'll be found guilty."

"B-But how can you be sure. A-All the evidence a-and no witnesses to prove otherwise-"

"All the evidence is purely circumstantial. And that means no witnesses to put you there when it happened."

"....there was one...."

"I seriously doubt that the jury will consider your mother a viable witness after everything that you told me about her."

"I can't go to jail for this, I-I-I just can't...."


"Th-They will destroy me in there. I-I-"

"Mason." I look up at hearing her say my actual name knowing it means she's serious. "Just calm down. The jury will be out any minute and then we'll know for sure. But trust me, everything is going to be fine."

Everyone rises as the jury comes back into the room. One of them, an older woman that I think was a school teacher, stands up. "We find Mason Pines guilty on all accounts."

My heart stops altogether and my blood runs cold. Guilty. No no no no no. This can not be happening this just can't be happening.

The judge bangs his gavel down calling for order. "I sentence him to life imprisonment without parole."

"Your honor-" Wendy tries to say before the judge cuts her off.

"Dismissed." He bangs his gavel down again and a polic officer comes over handcuffing both of my wrists behind my back so tight that the metal digs into my skin.

"No no please! I swear that I didn't do it! I wouldn't hurt my own sister!"

One police officer grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me out of the courtroom, shoving me in the back of his squad car as he takes me to prison.

This is it. My life is officially over. I won't survive in prison. I am only 5'6' for godsakes. They will fucking destroy me in there.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as I realize we're at the prison. The cop pulls me out of the car and shoves me to some guards that grab my arms pulling me inside the prison.

We get to a room where he unlocks my handcuffs and shoves a white tank top and an orange jumpsuit into my arms. "Change into these."

"Wait, like here? Right now?"

When I don't get an answer I just nervously gulp as I change into it. They had me get wear one of these when I had been first arrested so they could take my prints and picture for the file.

Once I'm dressed he hands me another change of the exact same clothes, socks, soap and a towel. Grabbing my arm hard he walks be down a hallway, walking so fast that I nearly have to jog just to keep up with him.

I gulp nervously as I see the looks other inmates are giving me in their cells.

The guard unlocks one cell before shoving me in it hard and I hear the door slam and lock behind me before I hear his footsteps walking away.

Looking at the bunks I see a pile of books and other things on the lower bunk. "Guess I have a cell mate....great. This can't possibly get any worse than it already is....can it?" I quietly ask myself as I set my own things on the top bunk.

I pick up one of the books that was on the lower bunk, it being about the proper care for pine trees. "This is an odd subject to just enjoy reading about....maybe he's really in to plants? What was the word for that kind of person again....botanist? No that doesn't sound right either."

"Those would indicate I have a job with plants." I jump as I turn around and see who I am guessing is my new cell mate. Jeez, I hadn't even heard the cell door open or close. "I am neither so the correct word would be plantsman, smart ass."

"O-Oh...that' is very interesting." He has blonde hair but his undercut shows dark brown hair. Or maybe even black, it's hard to tell. His eyes are golden yellow while he has many piercings in both ears and I can see many tattoos go down his neck. I can't get a good enough look at any of them though to see what they really are.

"What's interesting is that you are touching my book."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"What? You didn't realize that you were fucking around with shit that doesn't belong to you and you very well know it?" He snarls as he rips the book out of my hands and throws it on his bed with all the other books.

"I-I'm s-sorry....I...." I slowly back up as this scary guy advances towards me until my back is pressed up against a wall. "I feel like we may have gotten off on the wrong foot here."

"You listen up, pipsqueak." He grabs the front of my jumpsuit and lifts me up so my feet are no longer touching the ground as I'm too terrified to do anything. "You do not touch my things again or you will die. Is that understood?" I give a quick nod and he drops me back onto the ground as all the lights go off.


"Lights out dumbass. Means go to bed. You have a rough day ahead of you tomorrow anyway."

I manage to make my way back onto the top bunk in the pitch black dark. Getting myself under tha blanket I put a hand over my mouth trying to hide the sobs that want to escape. I know that I shouldn't cry in prison, that I can't afford to look weak to these people, but right now I just can't help it. I'm just too fucking scared of what's going to happen to me in here.

I feel him kick the bunk below me as he sighs. "Hey, shut the hell up. I'm trying to sleep down here."

This time I use both hands to try and cover up my sobs but I know that it doesn't do any good. I just wish that I could go back home.

I tense up feeling arms creep around me and pull me back against someone's chest. "Relax, this is just until you quit crying and get to sleep."

"I....I-I'm s-sorry....I can't....."

"It's whatever dude. I know that the first night is always the hardest."

"I didn't do it."

"That's what everyone says."

"But I really didn't do it. That jury was wrong. I would never....I didn't do it."

"What are you in here for?" When I don't say anything I feel him flick the back of my head. "Hey, I asked you a fucking question."

"I heard you, I just don't want to tell you. It was so horrible."

"The sooner you tell me the sooner it will be out of your system."

".....murder....I'm in here for the 3rd degree murder of my twin sister...."

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