Chapter 7

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(Love Story By Taylor Swift)

Rhea's Pov

Day Four

TW- Fighting

"Dad! You're overreacting!" I walked inside and started heading upstairs.

He slammed the door to the house, and I knew that probably everyone in our house was awake. I tried to go into my room and he grabbed the door handle, closing it in front of me.

"We are going to talk. You aren't going to walk away." He folded his arms.

"I'm going to walk the fuck away when your treating me like a piece of shit!" I screamed in defense.

"Rhea, I did not raise you to keep secrets from me."

"Dad, it wasn't a secret. I told you I was going out with a friend all day. Jeez, you act like I did something huge. Like i got pregnant or like i fucking robbed a store. All I did was go out with a friend." I let my hands fall back and he ran his hand over his face, frustrated.

"Why didn't you at least tell me?" His voice was quiet and I saw my cousin's head peeking around the corner.

Along with his mother.

"I did tell you! Do I have to give you a whole profile of the people I hang out with?!" I shouted, started getting upset.

"I just don't want you to end up like your mother, Rhea!" He shouted and you could hear a pin drop.

"God! You act like she wasn't a dead beat anyways! What did she do for us while she was here? You are holding onto a piece of hope that she's going to come back, and let me tell you dad, it's a slim chance! She probably ran off with some other guy because she didnt have the decency to stay and be a fucking parent." I spoke in one breath, which was impressive.

"Rhea if you keep going down this same road you're going to be just like her!" My mouth hung open and he stopped talking.

I turned and started to walk back downstairs.


"No fuck you for that one!" I turned around and shouted into his face.

"Can't you just let me be happy? When I need you, and your help, then I'll find you. I'm not a kid anymore, and you have to stop treating me like one." I grabbed my keys off of the key rack and I slammed the door shut.

I ran my fingers through my hair in a stressful manner. I walked quickly out of my car and I could hear my dad open the door and shout outside. I turned the car on right as he ran outside. I then started to drive down the street.

I turned up the radio, not caring about what was playing, I just needed something to drown out my thoughts. I parked on the side of the road once I was a good ways away from my house. I let my head fall on the steering wheel causing it to beep. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was two am. He's probably still awake...

I started driving and soon reached Alex's house. I got out of my car and looked at my surroundings. I wiped the tears from my eyes and put a smile on my face. I knocked on the door and waited, hoping that someone was awake. I don't know which room is his or else i would throw rocks at it-

"Rhea?" Savier opened the door with a confused expression.

"Hey bae. Your brother here?" I leaned my hand on my hip and he smiled.

"Of course. Everyone is still awake if you're fine with that, or I can just take you to his room if you want to have a minute to yourself. Kind of looks like you need it, Rhea." He shrugged as I stepped into the house and took off my shoes.

"I don't care. Anything to get my mind off of the bomb that just exploded." I said, walking up the stairs like I have lived here forever.

"A bomb just exploded and nobody let me have a first class seat to see it? What the fuck!" Alex shouted when he heard that.

His eyes softened when he saw me. Amara ran and grabbed my leg.

"Why is she still awake?" I deadpanned and Dante shrugged.

"She just doesn't want to sleep. Trust me, we've tried." Meriah said, greeting me with a smile.

Dante and Meriah are the nicest and the cutest couple I have ever met. Dante is trans, and Meriah is Pan. They are the most open, free, and happy couple I have ever seen. I sat down on the couch, laying my head on Alex's lap.

"Hey guys. What would you do if I just jumped off a cliff?" I asked, everyone looked at me before laughing.

"I sure hope there is water under it." Alex mumbled and I laughed.

"I can fight him for you. I used to be a man, you know. Before the whole transformation. But I'll still fight him." Dante spoke with a smile on her face.

"No-" I spoke before getting cut off by Meriah.

"Babe, you can't just say that you're going to kick her dad's ass."

"Do you have any other good ideas?" Dante crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Well he seems like a dick. Shots to make you feel better?" Meriah said quickly and I broke out into laughter.

I had just gotten done telling them about my dad and i's fight. Safe to say, they told me what i did wrong, and they told me what he did wrong. I get that I should've told my dad who I was going with, but at the same time, I don't have to tell him anything. I'm an adult. Alex ran his fingers through my hair as Meriah brought over a bottle of vodka.

"No? Yes?" She held it up and Savier went to grab it.

"You are seventeen!" She slapped his hand and he whined.

"I'm almost eighteen." He countered and she shook her head.

"Well you aren't yet, so suck it up."

"Hija, want any?"

I shook my head with a content smile on my face. I wrapped my arms around my chest and smiled wider at the family. This was the chaos I needed. I needed exactly this.

"Cebollas!" Amara ran back from the fridge with an onion in her hand.


She then took the opportunity and threw it at Savier, hitting him right in the face.

"You rat!" Savier yelled before getting up to chase her.

"Feo!" Amara shouted as she hid behind the couch.


"You're so lucky you're small and I can't fit back there." Savier mumbled before sitting down on the couch.

"Solo eres malo." Alex smiled as he spoke and I rolled my eyes.

(You're Just Bad.)

"Please, I have no idea what any of you are saying."

"It's basic Spanish, hermosa." I rolled my eyes as everyone laughed at me.

"Boo hoo you all suck." I mumbled into the pillow after I moved away from Alex.

"No come back, I was just joking!" Alex shouted while Amara walked over to me.

"Idiota!" She pointed at me and I groaned.

1213 Words

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