Chapter 13

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(No Role Modelz By J. Cole)

Rhea's Pov

"Can you guys act civil so we can find this? We aren't going to find shit with both of you not on your A game." Doug asked and I let out a breath.

"What you both did was fucked. In all honesty, Elias yours is more fucked up because Rhea is an adult, you need to let her breathe. But Rhea you should've told him who you were going with knowing how he gets."

I opened the car door and walked out of the car. I opened up the trailer door and grabbed a life jacket.

"Are we going to do this, or are you both going to sit in there and mope?" I asked, and Doug jumped out with a smile.

"We need to take a break. I need something to eat." Doug whined as we got out of the small boat.

I started packing up the equipment to put back into the little trailer. The family went to get dinner, and we finished scanning the sixth lake. Safe to say we are beat. The guys got their equipment off before we all got into the car and started driving to a restaurant.

The closest thing was a burger place.

"You know what to get me, I'm running to the bathroom." I patted Doug's back and he nodded.

I walked out of the bathroom and started heading outside. I let out a breath before I ran into someone as I was leaving.

"Sorry!" She spoke quickly, her accent was one that I have never heard before.

"No, you're fine." I smiled at her and held open the door for her to walk out after me.

"Guess we are both in somewhat of a rush." She said with a smile on her face and I nodded.

"Your accent is nice, I've never heard it before." I spoke and her face tinted pink.

"Thank you. I get that a lot. I'm italian." She looked off into the distance and groaned.

I looked to where her line of sight was and saw that she was staring at my dad. There was a woman talking with him. We both walked over, not knowing where the other was going.

"Did you get the food?" I asked, and Doug threw me a box and my drink.

"Thank you." I nodded to him and he smiled.

I looked over at the woman and she looked like a witch and a karen had a baby.


"Don't Jessica." My father held up his hand stopping her and I smiled at him.

I guess that was funny.

"Mom, leave the poor man alone." The girl I ran into, rolled her eyes.

"Mom?" My dad looked shocked and the woman shifted with a panicked expression.

"Harley, go bother your brothers."

The girl, Harey hsistently nodded before walking over to a giant tour bus and getting in.

"Rhea, go bother Doug." My father then said, not breaking eye contact with the woman.

I shrugged my shoulders before getting into the truck.

"Who the fuck is she?" I turned around and asked Doug.

Doug shrugged his shoulders but it was very obvious that he knew who she was. I rolled my eyes before turning around and starting to eat.

548 Words

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