Chapter 10

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(Vacation By The Go Go's)

Rhea's Pov

Day Seven

"Rhea where are you going?" My dad asked as I walked down the stairs after eating breakfast.

"I'm going out." I said in a monotone voice.

He folded his arms from the bottom of the steps and I walked past him. He didn't try to stop me, he let me walk right out.

I unlocked my car and got in before starting it, and driving away. I didn't get home till around two am yesterday, and it's ten right now.

"Don't be such a dick, Baldy!" I laughed out loud as we ran around the parking lot.

"Don't be such an asshole, Really!" He folded his arms, giving up in chasin me.

"Don't be such a pussy, guys!" Savier shouted, pushing us together and then starting a group hug.

"Imagine if Savier was bald. He would get no bitches." I crossed my arms and Alex scoffed.

"Stop obsessing over me being bald!" He shouted and I shook my head.

"Hm. No." I smiled before Savier grabbed my arm and pulled me to the building.

"I did not sign up fr this." Alex mumbled, as he hit the golf ball with the club.

"You're really ass at this." Savier pointed out and I nodded.

"Amara is better."

Amara then swung the golf club at me and hit me.

"Jeez, what did I do to deserve that?!" I calmly shouted at her and she laughed.

"Bad." Amara shrugged and I went to pick her up.

"I will throw you into the pond." I held her in front of my face and spoke with a serious face.

"No balls." Amara smiled and Meriah grabbed her from my arms before I could throw her in.

"I swear to god! I will punt you Amara-"

"Get off of me you big bitch!" I pushed Alex off of me and tried to drown him.

"Savier, a little help?!" Alex shouted as Amara shot us with a water gun.

"Sure! I would love to help!" Savier threw down his water gun and started helping me drown Alex.

Meriah and Dante shook their heads at us with a smile on their faces.

"Mom!" Alex called out before his head went under water.

"L Bozo." Savier laughed as he swam away and back to his water gun.

"That's what you get you bitch!" I shouted once he got back to the surface.

"I hate you." Alex mumbled and I laughed.

"Fuck you too, Baldy."

"I guess I'll miss you." I shrugged my shoulders as we sat on his bed playing mario kart.

"I guess I'll miss you too." He then shrugged before I completely destroyed him in Mario kart.

"That's literally what you deserve! Yeah bitch I won!" I cheered before running out of his bedroom and around the house.

"Guys I just wiped the floor with Alex!" I put my arm around Dante and Meriah, who both smiled at me then at each other.

"What game?" Savier asked from the couch as Alex groaned while walking up the stairs.

"Mario Kart." Alex mumbled, laying down on the couch next to Savier.

Amara then screamed at him, but he didn't move.

"Fat." Amara threw her shoe at Alex's head, causing me to laugh.

"You little rat!" Alex stood up and threw Amara off his shoulder.

"Do you guys need any help with cooking?" I asked Meriah and Dante, who both shook their heads no.

"I mean this in the nicest way possible, you would burn down the kitchen, Really." Alex said, walking over to us and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him and Amara laughed.

"Fuck you!" Alex shouted back before everyone laughed at us.

"Where is Alex?" Meriah asked me as she walked into his room.

I propped myself up on my elbows as she sat on the end of the bed.

"He's helping Savier with something. Do I need to relay a message?" I said, causing her to laugh.

"No, but now I can talk to you." She crossed her legs and I sat up.

"Gossip girls." I said with a smile on my face before she let out a loud laugh.

"You and my son?" She raised her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Not this kind of gossip!" I slapped my hands over my face and she smiled.

"Rhea you fit in so well, here. That was one thing that I was nervous about for him. Is finding someone who can keep up with his chaos, and have a little of their own. If anything you're more chaotic than him, and I feel like he needed it. You accepted this crazy family in a heartbeat."

"You accepted me as well. I wouldn't want anything different. You guys are like my second family- No, you are my second family. Technically my first actually, I only have a dad. As Savier would say, L Bozo."

"And guess what? We wouldn't want anyone else, Rhea."

"Alex be quiet!" I shouted quietly at him as we walked down the stairs to the house.

"It's not my fault!" He protested after we got outside.

"You literally were the one that suggested Mcdonalds, and now you can't shut up about how you don't want to leave." I crossed my arms and he rolled his eyes.

"We could have gotten uber eats." Alex mumbled as I unlocked my car and got in.

"What's the fun in that? We get to go on one last adventure before you leave tomorrow."  He plugged his phone into the aux and didn't say anything.

We were both dreading the fact that he was leaving tomorrow. We were both dreading the fact that this will probably be the last time we see each other until next summer. If things are still the same by next summer. He started playing one of my playlists and i started driving.

985 Words

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