Chapter 8

557 32 72

(Paper Rings By Taylor Swift)

Rhea's Pov

Day Five

"Can you like, move?" I pushed Alex out of the way and hugged Savier.

"Happy birthday bae!" I cheered and Savier flipped me off.

"Go away." Alex pushed me away from Savier and I laughed.

"Your brother just turned eighteen. Stop." I then threw a apple at him, hitting him right on the head.

"You're a dick." Alex crossed his arms and I smiled.

"This is why I like your brother more than you." I folded my arms and he mumbled under his breath.

"What are we doing today for the new adult?" Dante grabbed his shoulders with a smile.

"I want to get a tattoo. Someone get a tattoo with me." Savier whined and everyone shook their heads.

"I will!" I cheered, throwin my arm around him.

"Really, I won't let you do that. He'll probably make you get L bozo or some shit."

"L bozo!" I said, holding up my middle finger.

Alex shook his head with a disappointed look on his face. Savier and I got L Bozo on our middle fingers. Safe to say Alex was like a disappointed father.

"I hate you." Alex said, opening the door and holding it for us to walk through.

I smiled, throwing my arm around Savier.

"Both." He narrowed his eyes at us and we laughed.

"Dont lie, Baldy. You love us both. You love us more than you love the hair on your head." I crossed my arms, standing at the front of the car.

"According to you I don't have hair on my head." He then mimicked my stance.

"Shit. I walked myself into that one." I opened the passenger door and got into the car, closing the door before he could say anything.

"What part of you fucking suck don't you get!" I yelled at Alex, throwing the cards down on the table.

I was waiting for his parents to be done getting changed, they were going to let me wear some of their clothes since I haven't mustered up the courage to go home right now.

I don't know when I'll go home, I've just been having the time of my life right now, and it seems like he's trying to stop it. I get that he's scared but he needs to let me live a little.

He can't keep me locked in a house all day every day. I need to move out. I've come to that conclusion. I need to become more independent. I always hated the thought of moving out because then dad would be alone. But I need the indepence.

I need it now more than ever. I guess since I met Alex I realized that I can't always lean on my dad for things. I need to be able to fall in love, and live my life. Of course, I can still talk to him, but I need to be free.

"I'm sorry, Really! I'm not good enough at card games for you!" Alex shouted back, Savier recording it all.

"Amara can do better than you!" I stood up, causing the chair to fly back.

"Wow! That hurt my feelings!" He then stood up, Amara walked over and stood between us.

"Go away!" We both glared at her and she just laughed.

"Bitch!" Amara held up her hand and swung it around.

"You're the bitch!" I looked down at her and Alex laughed.

"You can't just call my baby sister a bitch!" Alex stopped laughing and put on a serious face.

"You fucking call her a bitch all fo the tiem!" I yelled and Savier laughed.

"She is a rat." Savier laughed out and Alex finally gave in and laughed.

Amara screamed loudly before stomping her foot on Alex's. Alex then winced and jumped up and down.

"Savier, send me this video!" I leaned on the table for support while I laughed.

Savier ended up airdropping me the video since I wouldn't get it from texts because of my data.

"This place better have good food. I'm in the mood for hot wings." Savier crossed his arms, and I smiled.

"This is my favorite restaurant. It won't disappoint, I promise." I held the door open for everyone and Alex rolled his eyes before faking a smile and skipping right on into the restaurant.

"You disappoint." Alex crossed his arms and Meriah smacked him on the back of the head.

"Say sorry." She crossed her arms and Alex copied her motion.

"No." Alex let out a smile and I put my arm around his neck.

"Come on, Baldy. Say sorry." I smiled up at him and he shook his head.

"I bought vodka!" I shouted walking back into the house.

Dante and I went to the liquor store and everyone else was back at the house. They were in the pool, I kicked off my shoes and took off the dress Meriah let me borrow. I was wearing my bathing suit under this. I had gotten it from my car.

Do you really think i'll leave the house without a bathing suit? No, that's the one thing I had in my car. I should really make a bag of clothes for my trunk.

Amara was sitting on a float, Alex was sitting in the corner of the pool, Savier was spraying him with a water gun, and Meriah was just sitting on the step in the pool with a smile on her face.

One beautiful and chaotic family. I'm so glad they let me be apart of there adventures for the past week. I handed the bottle of vodka to Meriah before I jumped into the pool.

"Come here bitch!" I shouted at Alex before going to try and drown him.

"What are you tommyinnit or some shit?!" Alex screamed and I laughed.

"No, I hate that kid. He's married to my daughter. Like what the fuck homie?" I folded my arms and glared at him.

He laughed, probably thinking I was joking. But then again, I wasn't ready to tell him that I wasn't.

"Stop fucking attacking me!" I whispered as I hit his arm.

I climbed up the stairs, climbed over the balcony fence and sat on the roof. Alex followed slowly behind me, making sure I wasn't going to fall. The house roof was flatter than most roofs so I didn't have a problem with him. I pulled the blanket around us both while we sat there. I turned, laying my head on his shoulder as he scrolled through his spotify.

"Frank Ocean? Calvin Harris?" Alex asked, and I shook my head.

"Taylor Swift vibe night."

"My other wife!" He shouted quietly and I laughed.

"I'd like shiny things but I'd marry YOU with paper rings." I spoke in my grandma's voice, turning my head to face him.

"I'd marry you with paper rings, Really." The sides of his lips quirked up into a smile.

"You're being sappy, Baldy." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

He places his hand on my cheek and I bit back a laugh.

"Fuck you!" He shouted and I laughed.

"Fuck you!" I shouted back before he slammed his lips down on mine.

I thought those were butterflies before? These are worse than fucking butterflies. I am so catching feelings.

1220 Words

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