Ch. 1

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Pls enjoy the consequences of my brains actions 🍌

This was poorly written: you have been warned.

Nini Salazar-Roberts smiled to herself as she drew little shapes and pictures onto the airplane window, trying her best not to squirm in her seat. And then she grimaced and quickly pulled her hand away. She decided breathing onto the airplane window and repeatedly doodling and writing on it as a distraction probably wasn't the smartest idea.

She was so excited. Her debate team was heading to Vancouver, Canada for a big conference. Her team attended the same conference last year, when she was a junior. She was the only junior that got picked to go and since most of the debaters were seniors, she felt like she was always excluded from hanging out with the "cool seniors".

Nini was a senior this year.

She let that roll over in her mind. Senior. When she got across the border, she was technically allowed to drink, smoke, do whatever she wanted.

Not that she had the intention of doing any of those things... She didn't want to get in trouble with the law in another country.

Nini looked at the screen built into the chair in front of her displaying a little map of the plane's progress from Salt Lake to their destination and sighed. Forty-five minutes remaining.

She read all about Vancouver in the brochures that came home with the consent form. Of course she read through the same brochures last year but she didn't really get to explore the city the way she wanted to since they weren't allowed to explore by themselves and none of the seniors last year offered to go with her. Luckily she had a pretty nice view of the city from her hotel room.

"Oh my god I just want this plane to land already! There's so much we have to do!" The brunette exclaimed as she kept glancing at the flight map screen what seemed to be every minute.

"Calm down, Neeners. Staring at the screen won't make this plane fly any faster." Nini glanced at Kourtney, her best friend, who was sitting to her left. She was engrossed in a fashion magazine, looking at the latest trends for the lowest prices.

"I'm sorry, Kourt but I'm just so excited. I feel like I'm going to burst!" She exclaimed, raising her hands in the air for emphasis. That earned some snickers from the row of seats behind her. Nini ignored them.

"Excited for what? Nice people apologizing and holding doors for you?" Kourtney laughed. Nini frowned.

"For your information, I met a really rude Canadian on my last trip." Nini pointed out. Kourtney looked skeptically at her.

"Oh yeah? What did they do?"

"Not hold the door for me." Nini said, triumphantly. Kourtney rolled her eyes and went back to having a nose-to-nose conversation with her fashion catalogue. "Wow, such assholes." Kourtney muttered. Nini sighed as the plane still kept the Please keep your seatbelts on sign glowing bright with the voiceover that kept playing over the system every now and then. She really needed to get up and stretch her legs.

And pee.

She sighed as another bout of turbulence rocked the plane from side to side. She tried really hard not to think about all the water she drank while at the airport back in Salt Lake an hour ago. They were landing soon anyway.

Suddenly, something pelted Nini in the back of the head. The brunette grimaced and rubbed the back of her head. It didn't hurt, it was just weird not to have any reaction to something being thrown at you. She turned around slowly to see a piece of balled up paper fall from the top of her head and down onto her seat.

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