Ch. 3

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Nini groaned.

Sunlight was streaming through her windows. She hadn't bothered to close her curtains when she made it back to her room at two in the morning yesterday. All she had done was crash down onto her luscious bed and shut down for the remaining hours before morning came.

"Ugh," she moaned. She was still in her debate clothes from the night before. The bun on top of her head was now a mound of hair that had drooped down to the back of her neck in a messy pile.

Her blazer was wrinkled and her blouses top couple of buttons had miraculously become undone.

Nini looked around. There was a beeping sound somewhere, but she couldn't detect where it was coming from. She spotted her phone on her bedside table. She grabbed it, making more noise than necessary. She stopped her alarm, internally scrutinizing herself for setting it for seven in the goddamn morning.


Nini looked at her messages next. She was still in bed and her eyes were being blinded from the sun and the brightness of her screen so much that it hurt to open them. Her head was pounding, her mouth was dry, and her throat hurt when she swallowed.


There were two texts from Kourtney.

Sorry Neeners! I had to go because I had an emergency to attend to.

And by that, I mean I just couldn't sit through anymore debates. I'm sure you can get a ride home from a cab or something. Later!

The next was from an anonymous number with a Vancouver area code. She opened the message.

It was great meating you last night! I really wanted to kiss you. You free to chat? It's Sam btw.

Nini blinked. Considering they wrote meating instead of meeting, she guessed it was someone's hungover text after just waking up. But then she read the rest of the sentence and her brain shut down again.

Who wanted to kiss her?

Nini thought back to last night. Everything was foggy in her brain. Was Sam that dark-haired guy she talked to? He didn't say his name. And she didn't remember giving her number to him.

Or was it one of the guys she talked to before she went into the bathroom for a couple hours. She remembered someone with distinct green eyes. Maybe that was Sam.

Or maybe he was just a figment of her imagination and the text was fake and she was just seeing things.


Nini groaned again, her head spinning with questions. The hangover that her body now claimed was not helping her situation in any way shape or form. Unfortunately, the rest of the night was a complete blur. All she remembered was that Ricky almost got beaten to dust.

Which she didn't really mind.

Except the fact that she was his buddy and she probably would've gotten in trouble if he came back to Salt Lake in a full-body cast.

And Ricky. Ugh. That was the last time she was ever going to agree to be his plus one for anything. He ditched her and was nowhere in sight most of the night. For fuck's sake, he was also hitting on some girl that almost got his ass whooped by the boyfriend?

And why was her alarm set for seven in the fucking morning?! She was in the clear for debate, so why did she want to wake up at seven?

"Nini! The entire class is waiting for your ass downstairs," came a muffled voice from the other side of her suite door. She assumed it was Kourt since she was the only one who knew where her suite was.

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