Ch. 6

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Thank god there were no outings on weekends.

Nini sang quietly under her breath as she curled her hair, glancing at the progress in the bathroom mirror. She and Kourtney finally had time for a girls day out. She was so excited. They were going to go shopping, and eat out and talk and just enjoy each other's company as best friends in general.

Oh yeah.

Nini pursed her lips, trying out a whistle. Nope, still couldn't whistle. And that was why she was humming instead of whistling.

She was glad there were no outings on weekends. It gave everyone a chance to relax and do their own thing for a while. Especially since Mazzara took everyone to go to the opera yesterday.

Nini shuddered. She did not want to experience that again.

Long story short, everyone either had to use the bathroom every five seconds until it got to a point where people were sending complaints towards Mr. Mazzara that the bathrooms smelled like shit. And that the kids standing up were distracting others from watching the performance. The snack vendor even refused to sell the kids anymore drinks.

They nearly got kicked out of the theater.

Nini hadn't seen Ricky since Thursday. He wasn't at the outing nor was he at open-mic on Friday. She was actually glad that she hadn't seen him for two days. All he's done is proven once again that he couldn't be trusted.

Nini sighed, dropping the curling iron. She was done with her hair and her makeup. All she needed to do now was put on the outfit she laid out for herself; a cozy sweater, dark jeans and her favorite pair of furry boots.

She made a face in her mirror as she grabbed her phone and wallet and dropped it into her brown messenger bag. She swung the strap over her shoulder and exited her suite, hearing the click indicating that the door was locked.

Nini hummed happily, feeling extremely free and healthy this morning. And so off she went, skipping down the hall towards Kourtney's room.

When Nini got to her best friends room, she knocked on the door. "Kourt! You ready for our girls day?"

"Hang on!" Came a muffled reply from the other side of the door. Nini tapped her foot in anticipation.

The door flew open after about five seconds and a half. "Ready to go?" Kourtneh asked. She looked wonderful, as always.

"Where to?" Nini asked. Kourtney apparently had looked up some amazing malls to go wander aimlessly in for hours last night. Nini was excited to see what her best friend had chosen.

"There's this mall I saw online that's about a twenty minute Uber ride, or a thirty five-ish minute drive by bus. Apparently it's like a 5 story mall so you can imagine all the stores it'll have!" Kourtney said, checking her phone. "We'll catch the next bus."

"Sounds good to me." Nini said. The two girls made their way down the hall and into the elevator. Kourtney pressed the button for the lobby and Nini was busy checking her own phone when her stomach growled.

She bit her lip. "You think we should get some breakfast before we go?"

Kourtney thought about it for a moment. "If it'll stop your stomach from sounding like a zombie, sure."

The two best friends made their way into the hotel buffet. Some of the other debate teams staying at the same hotel were present as well. Nini grabbed a blueberry muffin and made herself a cup of coffee before she spotted Kourt sitting at a table alone. Kourtney had gotten an egg and sausage breakfast sandwich and a bottle of water.

Nini placed her plate on the table and slid into the chair across from Kourtney. The girl had been googling all the stores the mall had so she could get an idea of the ones she wanted to go to.

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