Ch. 4

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Stay away from Ricky. He's not interested.

Nini laughed over the text she received from Lily late last night. Word spread that the two had "wrestled" on the floor of Science World. What a bunch of bullshit. Now Lily thought that she was actually after Ricky.

As if she'd go near him in the first place.

She'd rather live without her thumbs than even breathe the same air as him.

Nini forwarded a screenshot of the text to Kourtney- the two laughing their heads off about it for over an hour before she succumbed to sleep.

She sat up in bed the next morning, stretching her neck and groaning when it cracked. She was thankful that this morning turned out better than yesterday. Her brain was tired, but at least it wasn't mercilessly pounding inside her skull like yesterday.

She glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand noticing it was time for her to get ready to meet up with her classmates.

Nini hummed, wondering what she should wear. She had a half an hour before she had to meet up with the rest of the team. Sightseeing. Why did they have to go on so many outings? It was honestly messing with her relaxation. And her study time.

At least they didn't have an outing tomorrow.

Nini picked out another casual outfit. She decided her black Nikes were the best shoes for all outings now. What was the proper attire to just... sightsee?

She picked out a red, long-sleeve shirt, a pair of her favorite jeans and her trusty ol' gray hoodie. It was her favorite hoodie. It was warm and cozy. Nini already learned that it could, in some way, withstand the wind chills. She shrugged, throwing it on. Her makeup was light, and her hair was down, like most of the time.

She grabbed her purse. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Room key? Check. Everything was in place.

Nini looked at herself in the mirror one last time before making her way out of the large room. She looked around for Ricky since they were going out in public, already knowing that Mr. Mazzara was going to make them buddy up.

Alas, the curly-haired boy was nowhere in sight. Nini sighed, not really sure if she was surprised or not. They also had to find something else to write about later too. She had been searching things up on her phone all last night. 'Sights to see in Vancouver.' She still hadn't decided on where they should go. It had to be cultural.

Nini's stomach growled as she entered the lobby and decided on taking advantage of the free continental buffet the hotel offered. She scooped some scrambled eggs and fruit onto her plate and grabbed a water bottle while she waited for everyone else.

"Reaffy to go?" Nini looked up from her phone. Ricky had his mouth stuffed with a breakfast sandwich, two more in both of his hands. He ate like a horse. Nini wrinkled her nose.

"Finish those sandwiches first," she said. Ricky shrugged, swallowing his first sandwich before taking a huge bite out of the one in his right hand. Nini checked over what he was wearing. A blue and white striped shirt with a blue zip up that was basically the same color as the shirt itself that he paired with a light denim jacket, gray jeans. And of course his blue vans.

"How wahh debate -ast nighhf?" He asked as he was finishing his last sandwich. Nini pushed the leftover fruit on her plate around with her fork.

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