Ch. 15

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Nini placed her pink shirt on top of the pile and then stopped to admire her work.

Sunday- their last day in Vancouver.

Nini was packing her belongings; her clothes, her books, her toiletries, random knick-knacks she's found. Everything fit neatly and nicely into her suitcase. She huffed as she placed the last of her books into the black case. She wiped sweat from her forehead.

Packing was a workout.

The debate team was to walk out as a group to the airport in a few hours. Nini had already started packing yesterday night after Ricky finally left her alone for more than five minutes.

The singular thought of Ricky Bowen sent a shiver ran down her spine. That boy knew twisted and exhilarating ways.

Nini placed the last of her clothes into her suitcase. Only then did she realize that she was still in her pajamas and that most of her clothes were packed tightly at the bottom of her suitcase under all of her books and belongings. She smacked a hand on her forehead.

Nini quickly changed out of her pajamas and dug through her luggage for the first thing on the pile of clothing.

Ricky's shirt and Adidas track pants.

Nini bit her lip before shaking her head. What the hell? She's gonna be on a plane.

She pulled his shirt over her head and slipped into his track pants. Nini grinned as she found his snapback from the day at the art gallery wedged between her books in her nightstand.

She could pass as a Ricky Bowen imposter.

Well, aside from the maple breath.

Nini frowned at the huge snapback that was way too big for her head. She readjusted the fitting until it was snug on her head. Perfect. Nini left her hair the way it was before returning to packing her carry on.

She haphazardly chucked everything that wasn't as important or already packed into her bag. Her water bottle, her scarf- in case it got cold, her extra pens, paper and of course, her current read.

When she finished with that, her phone buzzed. Nini walked over to where it was charging on the nightstand, only to find even more clothes hidden in a pile under her bed. Nini gaped at it.

Since when did she have so many t-shirts?

She sighed, deciding to pack after a little texting break. Nini swiped the screen of her phone with her thumb. Kourtney was asking her if she wanted to go shopping.

I already packed though...

Oh, c'mon Neeners! It'll be fun!

And by "fun", do you mean fun for you or fun for me?

Fun for me duh.

Nini hesitated.

I'll think about it.

Kourt texted her back the location where they were meeting up and Nini promised to text her back if she did decided to go.

When her best friend stopped texting her, Nini sighed and returned to the pile of surprise shirts she found on the floor. There were only a few- maybe three or four- but now she had to flip the shirts inside out, unpack her luggage, squeeze the shirts in, repack, and hope everything fits.

Nini sat down on the floor cross-legged, slouching over the shirts. She sighed as she turned them inside out, trying to finish the task as fast as possible.

Just then, someone knocked on her door.

"It's open!" Nini called over her shoulder. As the person stepped into the room without greeting, Nini assumed it was room service. Sometimes they greeted her, sometimes they kept to themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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