001||First day

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❤️Y/n pov❤️

I woke up at four in the morning? Why, you may ask? I dunno either. But I know it was Gojo's fault. I know this because when I woke up, the first thing I did? I fell about forty feet in the air because that white-haired moron decided it'd be a good ideas to teleport me forty FEET ABOVE GROUND!

"Gojo! You better have a good explanation for this!", I barked at him as he caught me mid-air.

"I need you to exorcise a curse. It's a level one.", he stated nonchalantly.

"I don't have my—", I stated as he teleported to my home.

And came back with my axe.

"Axe. Why couldn't you do this yourself?", I yawned.

"Because, it's weak. I need something stronger.", he pouted.

"Ugh, fine. But you owe me some soba later. When I'm out of school, preferably.", I groaned.

I walked to the curse. It was a female. Or at least, it looked like one. It had a mouth sprouting out of its hand.

"Eh?! What's a human like you doing here? Get out, kid! Let the adults handle me!", it snarled.

I put on my goggles and aimed precisely at its weak spot. The spot that would instantly quickly. A habit I picked up from my brother, Kento Nanami.

"Quit your nagging already. I don't wanna be here either.", I groaned.

I quickly ran at it and slashed its torso, killing it instantly.

"But- how—", its last words were.

"By the way, I'm not a kid. I'm eighteen. That's literally the minimum age one could be in order to be considered an adult in Japan.", I mumbled.

"Quit complaining, kid.", Gojo complained.

"Ugh, shut up and take me home, Hoe-jo.", I muttered.

"Hey, I heard that! Don't disrespect your elders.", he reprimanded.

"My brother says I could disrespect you. Plus, that's your nickname. It fits you, doesn't it? Considering how you sleep with at least 10 women a week.", I explained bluntly.

"Ouch, you're a bit harsh, (Y/n)-chan.", he stated, faking a hurt tone.

"Not my problem. Now, take me home. Katsuki wakes up around this time to train and if he doesn't see me in my room, he will throw a bitch fit.", I hissed.

He teleported to my temporary home. The home of the Bakugos. They took me in after my parents died when I was five. Kento would have taken me in but he was a child at the time.

But now, he's almost thirty and still hasn't adopted me. I'm not hurt or anything. I mean, he's a jujutsu sorcerer. That field is dangerous. If he were to die, I'd be orphaned again so he'd rather have me in a family where I'd be with someone. Plus, this hero in training stuff as well.

I don't how but when I was born, I developed a quirk. Blood manipulation, it's called. I could basically make someone my puppet. I could also turn my own blood into knives when I bleed. Cool, right? Wrong. If I bleed too much, I'll die so I have to limit myself.

I entered my home quietly when Gojo teleported me. I silently walked upstairs to my room when one of the stairs creaked. I cringed, hoping nobody heard me. Of course, luck is never on my side. Because I was met face to face with Katsuki Bakugo, my foster brother.

He has some anger issues but no trouble making friends. He also catches onto things pretty quickly, which is why I was hoping I wouldn't run into him.

"Where were you, huh?!", he hissed angrily.

"I went on a jog. I couldn't sleep so I went for a jog real quick.", I explained quickly.

"At four in the fucking morning?!", he spat.

"Woah, chill out with the fucking language, kid. Yeah, I went while everyone was asleep because I didn't want to wake anyone up. You done? I wanna at least get some sleep before my alarm goes off in three hours.", I spat back.

"Tch, fine. I know you're hiding something.", he snapped.

"Oh, are you a detective all of a sudden?", I sarcastically asked.

"Shut up and go to bed.", he stated as he walked downstairs, shoving past me.

I went into my room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Beep beep beep!!

"I get it. I'm up, I'm up.", I groaned.

"Oi, dumbass! Breakfast is ready!", Bakugo yelled from the kitchen.

"Don't talk to your sister like that! Come down, sweetie!", our mother shouted.

"Going!", I shouted back as I quickly put on my UA uniform.

Today is my first day at UA high, the most prestigious hero school in Japan. Many of the biggest names in modern day heroes attended this school. My favorite being Midnight, the hottest heroine. I am a third year. My last two years were spent at Jujutsu tech, cleaning up my cursed technique.

Now, I just need to clean up my quirk. We're going to start internships this year, meaning, a lot of heroes will be looking at us this year. Hawks, Fatgum, Midnight, Mountain Lady- you name it.

I quickly ate my eggs, pancakes, and side of fruit before putting my hair in a ponytail and running out the door.

"Hey, wait for me, dumbass!", Katsuki yelled behind me, grabbing his backpack from the living room.

"No!", I exclaimed as I ran toward the school.

Third years have to get to school earlier to get their schedules and sign up for clubs, apparently, to do things like normal, quirkless student schools.

When I arrived to the main building for third years, a counselor lent me my schedule. Turning to my left, a boy with purple, soft-looking hair and elf-like ears timidly approach me.

"H-Hi.", he shyly greeted, blushing as he did so.

"Hello?", I questioned, waving my hand to him in a greeting form, awkwardly.

"Y-You're really p-pretty- sorry. Ah, I d-don't know w-what I'm saying. W-Welcome to UA. Y-You're the new third year, r-right. I'll show you t-to your class. I'm T-Tamaki Amajiki. What's your n-name?", he stuttered.

"I'm (Y/n) Nanami. Nice to meet you, Amajiki-san.", I introduced myself to the timid boy.

"L-Likewise. Uh, follow me, please.", he responded.

He walked away rather quickly, leaving me to speed walk to catch up to him.

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