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Gojo-sensei explained cursed energy and cursed technique to Tamaki.

Quite frankly, the two things confuse the fuck out of me so I won't explain it.

Or I will, I guess, since the author wants me to try.

Fucking lazy ass author.

Cursed energy basically makes us stronger in a sense and cursed technique is what we use to fight the curses.

Such as the King of Curses, Ryōmen Sukuna.

Who is currently living inside the body of first year, Yuji Itadori.

Up until today, he was a normal high school student.

Now, he's Sukuna's vessel and currently on the elders hitlist.

Fucking old people.

Wake up and smell the roses.

He's a kid. Not a weapon of mass destruction.

"Oi.", said the black haired boy.

Megumi Fushiguro. Related to the twins, Mai and Maki Zen'in. He's their cousin. Holder of the Ten Shadows Technique, a cursed technique passed down the men of the Zen'in clan.

But also, a split image of the man who murdered my parents.

The man with the big pectorals.

"Yes, Fushiguro-kun?", I asked the young man.

"Are you good? You seem out of it.", he stated bluntly.

"Hm? She seems perfectly fine to me. I'm Nobara Kugasaki.", the young woman introduced herself.

"Another strong female sorcerer? Badass!", I cheered happily.

"Right?! What's your name?", the young girl asked me curiously.

"The name is (Y/n) Nanami.", I introduced myself proudly.

"Nice. Who's the guy you brought with you? Your boyfriend?", she asked playfully.

"No. He's a friend from my other school. I also attend UA academy.", I stated matter-of-factually.

"You mean to tell me you have a cursed technique and one of those quirks?", the pink-haired male asked quizzically.

"That's impossible.", plainly stated Fushiguro.

"Oh really? Maki, come over here a sec.", I asked in a commanding tone.

"What's up?", she asked as she approached me.

"Fushiguro here doesn't believe that I'm a cursed technique and work user.", I complained.

"Neither did Toge and I until you pierced your finger and made a kunai knife out of your own blood.", she stated plainly.

"You're joking.", Fushiguro stated bluntly.

"I'm not. Maki, make me bleed.", I demanded.

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