002||Hello, Mirio

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"So, Nanami-san, why did you j-just transfer to UA now, during your third year? I-I'm not going to judge you or anything but I'm just curious.", Tamaki asked timidly.

"Well, I was homeschooled and I wanted a change of pace. To do that, I need to make friends. It'd be easier to make friends at school than at home, where I'm the only student, you know?", I explained nonchalantly.

"Y-Yeah, I guess but sometimes, it's good to n-not have friends. That way, it could be quiet and peaceful.", he replied.

"Haha, you sound like my brother, Amajiki-san.", I chuckled.

"You have a brother?", he asked curiously.

I have only known this guy for a few minutes but I could trust him enough to tell him about my brothers, right?

"Yeah, I have two of them. Kento Nanami and Katsuki Bakugo. Different moms, hence the different last names. And please, call me (Y/n).", I chuckled.

"Are you sure I could call you by your first name?", he asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm sure. Plus, I have a feeling we'll be good friends.", I happily stated.

"Friends? S-Sure, I guess. I don't have that many friends, anyways.", he stated timidly.

"Why not? You're a great guy- why is there a penis hanging out of the wall?", I asked shyly.

Usually things don't phase me so imagine my surprise when I saw a human penis just going through the wall.

"M-Mirio! Not in front of the new girl!", he stuttered as he ran to the penis, handing it his jacket.

The penis has a name?

A half-naked boy with blond hair and blue eyes walked through the wall and made eye contact with me. He made his way over to me, Amajiki-san's jacket covering his lower half.

"Bad first impression, huh?", he chuckled as he stretched his hand out to me, "I'm sorry you had to see my willy.", he apologized, "I'm Mirio Togata. What's your name?", he asked softly.

"I'm (Y/n) Nanami.", I introduced myself, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Nanami-san. I hope we could be good friends.", he smiled.

"I hope so as well.", I smiled in response.

Classes were actually entertaining. We trained our quirks and I made a new blood weapon: a kunai. At the end of the day, I had gotten acquainted with three new people: Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, and Nejire Hado, a blue-haired female with a beautiful personality. I wish I was as happy as her.

I walked home, accompanied my Tamaki. It was weird, though. There was a low level curse on him. A Grade 4, to be exact.

I swatted it off of him, which caused him to give me a surprised look.

"Y-You see them too?!", he asked worriedly.

He sees them?!

"Yeah. How could you see them?", I asked him in a concerning tone.

"I-I don't know. That one has been bothering me for a while now. How did you get rid of it?", he asked curiously.

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