05|| Her Story

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"What?!", he asked in shock.

"Sh, please, don't be so loud. They were both killed when I was 5 years old. It was an assassination. The man wanted to kill me but he spared my life due to the fact that I was just a child. Plus, he said he had a kid of his own. That kid grew up to be Megumi.", I explained plainly.

"How do you know that it's Megumi-kun?", he asked curiously.

"Because, he has his daddy's eyes and hair. Not to mention, the attitude is similar to his own.", I shrugged as we walked to our class.

Our first class of the day is hero history with Midnight. She is so hot. I don't understand why Mountain Lady dislikes her so much. She's a great hero. Who else can knock out villains while looking super hot at the same time? Only Midnight, duh!

After the school day was finished, I walked home using a different route. I took a small shortcut down an alley when I heard a raspy voice behind me.

"Now, why would a kid from the most prestigious hero academy choose to walk down a dark alley? That's not really smart of a hero if you ask me

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"Now, why would a kid from the most prestigious hero academy choose to walk down a dark alley? That's not really smart of a hero if you ask me. Hell, what would I know about being a hero? I'm a fucking villain, for god's sake.", the voice behind me chuckled.

I turned around and was met with cerulean blue eyes looking down on me. Dabi, the flame based quirk villain, part of the notorious League Of Villains.

"Don't you have anything better to do than harass kids, Dabi?", I scoffed.

"Oh, it seems like the princess is upset. What's wrong? Did your teachers fail you?", he asked sarcastically.

"No. Did your father fail you? It's basic knowledge not to harass a young lady in a dark alley.", I snickered.

"You're a little firecracker today, aren't you, (Y/n) Bakugo- or is it (Y/n) Nanami?", he smiled sadistically as he sent a wave of blue flames in my direction.

Swiftly, I took out my blade and cut the palm of my hand. The blood flowed out of my hand as I manipulated it into three blades. Aiming correctly, I threw them at him, pinning him against the wall by his tattered coat.

"How the fuck do you know who Nanami is? How do you scumbags know who my brothers are?!", I spat bitterly.

"Darlin', we know everything and see what's going on from the shadows. Gotta be honest with you, join us, and you'll be hella powerful. I mean, you got a foot in both worlds; fighting villains and those little fucks that most of the world can't see with their naked eye. Don't you wanna be free?", he rambled coyly.

Save Her(JJK x reader x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now