008|| Group Hangout!

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(Y/n) pov

The world is small. Everyone knows that. Most of the earth is just pure ocean, yet, a part of it remains undiscovered. That's why we have field trips in our young age. From elementary school to our first years at UA. But at UA, during our first year, we go to a training camp.

That's what my brother and his classmates are going to do. A training camp to improve their quirks. If anything, knowing Katsuki, he's going to discover a new way to use his skills. Maybe he'll make a new move, who knows?

"Yo, big sis, how was training camp during your first year?", Kats asked me as he ate his breakfast.

"Eh, not that interesting. It was just in the forest where you guys are gonna have yours. Still, don't underestimate it, you'll improve your quirk nonetheless. If it weren't for the camp, I wouldn't have learned that I could basically turn someone into a pretzel or make their blood pour out of the follicles in their bodies. So, take it seriously, Kats.", I advised him.

"Please! My quirk is already badass as it is! It doesn't need to improve!", he scoffed.

"You say that now, but, you'll be regretting not taking my advice seriously when you're a Pro.", I responded.

"Whatever, (Y/n).", he scoffed again as he put his dirty dish in the dishwasher.

The sound of our doorbell echoed across the house.

"I got it!", I shouted as I opened the door, "hello? Oh, Bakugo's friend, right?", I asked as I saw the boy with spiky, red hair standing on the porch.

"Yeah, that's me! Is Bakugo-kun here?", he asked curiously.

"Yeah, he is. You can call me (Y/n)-san, I don't mind.", I assured the young boy, "yo, Kats, your friend is here!", I shouted to the inside of our house.

"Shut the hell up, sis! I'll be there in a minute!", he yelled back.

"Come on in. He takes his time to come outta his room sometimes.", I chuckled nervously as the boy walked in.

"Thanks! Ya know, you're really kind compared to your brother. Were either of you adopted?", he asked jokingly.

"She's the adopted one! Only reason she's so nice is because her bio parents dropped her on her head too many times as a baby!", Katsuki exclaimed as he approached us.

"H-Hey, I was just kidding.", his friend chuckled nervously.

"I know, but it's okay. Remind me of your name again? Kats talks about his friends but I can never put names to faces.", I sighed.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima but, you can call me Kirishima. Anyways, Bakugo-kun, you wanna go to the pool?", he asked my brother.

"No.", my brother deadpanned.

"Really? Not even the one at school?", he asked again.

"Nah, not interested.", he shrugged.

"You sure? If you don't go, you might end up as the number two hero.", I taunted him.

"Number two?! Hell no! I'm gonna be number one! I'll go train with you guys!", my brother shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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